Arch Linux 2015 Installation Guide


Arch Linux Installation Guide for General Computer Use.

Attention! This tutorial is based on the official installation guide, with added data and enhancements to ease the steps between installation.

Current version: 2015.07.01 - Kernel included: 4.0.7 - ISO size: 646.0.0 MB


 Download and prepare the installation media

โ€ข CD / DVD installation media


  Windows: You can use any of your liking, especially I leave you imgburn, a very complete and lightweight software,


 Gnu / Linux: they can use especially the one that comes with the graphical environments, among them are, Brasero, k3b, and Xfburn.

โ€ข USB installation medium


  Windows: they can use Universal USB Installer o LinuxLive USB Creatorboth are easy to use.


  Gnu / Linux: can use the command ยซddยซ: Using the dd command.


 Initial system preparation

Attention !: Before continuing, make sure that your computer has the network cable (ethernet) connected, as we will use it to download and install the necessary packages for Arch Linux.

Boot from your installation CD / DVD or USB. The first thing we will see is the welcome screen with a menu of various options.


To start the installation we must select the appropriate option for our team.


Boot Arch Linux (i686) - 32 bits


Boot Arch Linux (x86_64) - 64 bits

Once inside we will be at the prompt root.


The first thing we must do is establish the distribution of our keyboard.



# loadkeys es


 Latin America:

# loadkeys la-latin1
ยป Example: Latin America



 Hard drive preparation

Attention !: The following steps are taken to install Arch Linux like รบnico operating system on the hard drive.

Arch Linux installation media includes the following partitioning tools: fdisk, gdisk, cfdisk, cgdisk, partitioned. In this case we use cfdisk

# cfdisk


CREATING 4 partitions:


/ Boot: The partition contains the operating system kernel (which allows your system to boot) along with files used during the boot process. For most users, a boot partition of 100 - 150 Mb It's enough.


/ (root): This is where "/" (the root directory) is located. In this configuration, all files (except those stored in /boot) are on the root partition, so you want the minimum capacity to be no less than 10-15Gb.


/home: Where our personal settings, application settings (and your profiles in them), and traditionally our data (documents, photos, videos, etc.) will be stored, so it is recommended to assign the larger size.


Swap: This partition is necessary to manage the โ€œvirtualโ€ memory that does not fit in our โ€œphysicalโ€ RAM and that we are not using at this moment.


On computers with RAM memory up to 1 Giga should be same SWAP as RAM.


Between 2 and 4 gigabytes, it should be the SWAP half the RAM.


With more than 4 gigabytes should not be exceeded the 2 Gigas of SWAP as much.

Using cfdisk We must create the chosen partitioning scheme, creating one partition at a time, with the sequence of commands: New ยปPrimary | Logical ยปSize (in MB)ยป Beginning.

Two details to take into account:

  • In the case of the partition chosen as swap, go to the option "Typeโ€And select 82 (linux-swap) of the list.
  • In the case of the partition chosen as / Boot, select the option "Bootable"

In the end, you should have something as seen in the following image:


Once safe, we must choose the option "Write", And confirm by typing"Yes".

This procedure removes all previous content from the hard drive!

To get out of cfdisk, we choose โ€œQuit".

Attention !: It is very important to know the order of each partition, as we will use them in the next step.
sda1 =boot, sda2 =/, sda3 = man y sda4 =swap


 Formatting partitions


  En / Boot It will be used ext2:

# mkfs -t ext2 /giant/sda1


  En /, It will be used ext4:

# mkfs -t ext4 /giant/sda2


  En / Home, It will be used ext4:

# mkfs -t ext4 /giant/sda3


  En swap, It will be used mkswap:

# mkswap /giant/sda4


  We activate the partition (swap):

# swapon /giant/sda4


 Organization of partitions


  We mount the partition / (root) in / mnt:

# mount /giant/sda2 /mnt


  We create the directories of the other partitions:

# mkdir /mnt/boat
# mkdir /mnt/home


  We mount the corresponding partitions:

# mount /giant/sda1 /mnt/boat
# mount /giant/sda3 /mnt/home



Network connection verification

The network daemon dhcpcd it starts automatically at boot and tries to establish a wired connection (therefore we are already connected to the network).


   To connect to a wireless network:

# wifi-menu


  Check connection:

# ping -c
ยป Example: Connection check.




System installation

We will use the installation script called pacstrap to install the system basis. Also, the package group base-devel should be installed if you later plan to compile software from AUR (what is recommended).


   We install the basic packages:

# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel


   In this case, we will install GRUB as a boot manager:

# pacstrap /mnt grub bios


   For a better support in Internet connections, we install NetworkManager:

# pacstrap /mnt network manager


  Add support to our Touchpad (in case you have a laptop).


# pacstrap /mnt xf86-input-synaptics


 Main configuration


  Generate the fstab file:

# genfstab -u -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab


  Chroot and configure the base system:

# arch-chroot /mnt


  Set the hostname, for this we have to edit the / etc / hostname file:

# dwarf /etc/hostname

The file is empty, all we have to do is enter the name of our team.

ยป Example: Team name.
To exit, we press Ctrl + X, we save changes by pressing 'AND' & Enter.


  Establish hours in our area:



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Buenos Aires /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Peace /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Santiago /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Bogota /etc/local time

_Cuba Flag.png


# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Havana /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Guayaquil /etc/local time


 El Salvador:

# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/The Savior /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/Europe/Madrid /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Guatemala /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Mexico_City /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/posix/America/Managua /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/posix/America/Asuncion /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Lima /etc/local time


 Dominican Republic:

# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Santo Domingo /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Montevideo /etc/local time



# ln -s /usr/share/zone info/America/Caracas /etc/local time
ยป Example: Mexico


  Set location preferences:

# dwarf /etc/locale.conf

We put our location inside the file.













_Cuba Flag.png







 El Salvador:





















 Dominican Republic:







ยป Example: Mexico
To exit, we press Ctrl + X, we save changes by pressing 'AND' & Enter.


  Activate our location:

In the /etc/locale.gen file, the locations are disabled by default, we must delete the โ€œ#โ€At the beginning of the line of our location to activate it.

# dwarf /etc/locale.gen
ยป Example: Mexico


To exit, we press Ctrl + X, we save changes by pressing 'AND' & Enter.


  Generate location:

# locale-gen
ยป Example: Mexico



  Set the layout of our keyboard:

We create the file /etc/vconsole.conf

# dwarf /etc/vconsole.conf

once inside we place our keyboard layout.





  Latin America:

ยป Example: Latin America


To exit, we press Ctrl + X, we save changes by pressing 'AND' & Enter.


  Grub Installation:

# grub-install /giant/sDA


  We create the grub.cfg file:

# grub-mkconfig -o /boat/grub/grub.cfg


   Generate ramdisk:

# mkinitcpio -p linux



  Set password root:

# Passwd



   Close chroot:

# exit


  Unmount partitions:

# umount /mnt/{boot, home,}



  Restart system:

# reboot

With this we finish the ArchLinux installation!


Now we are missing Setup a few small details such as: Activate NetworkManager and Create our user with permissions of root (sweat).

Once our system is restarted we log in, as root.


 Activate Network Manager


   We run NetworkManager:

# systemctl start NetworkManager.service


   We activate NetworkManager:

# systemctl enable NetworkManager.service

Attention! It is important that the 'N'Y'M'(NetworkManager) are in uppercase.


 Create our user

Replace user by your username and only letters in lowercase.


   To create our user with their respective groups:

# useradd -m -g users -G audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games, ,scanner -s /bin/bash user


   Put password to our user:

# Passwd user



 Activate Wheel group


   We edit the / etc / sudoers file:

# dwarf /etc/sweats


   We remove the '#'at the beginning of the line:%wheel ALL = (ALL) ALL:


To exit, we press Ctrl + X, we save changes by pressing 'S ' & Enter.


   Restart computer:

# reboot

We log in with our user that we just created and update the system to check root permissions (sudo).


   To connect to a wireless network with Network Manager:

$ sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "SSID" password "password"
ยป Example: $ sudo nmcli dev wifi connect DESDELINUX password LINUX123


 We update the system:

$ sudo pacman -Syu


With this we finish the Arch Linux setup!





Please! send your problems / doubts in my email:

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      Bi0s_Po1n7 said

    Excellent guide! Very well argued, I would have liked to have a guide as to whether when installing arch for the first time xD.

         Alexander ponce said

      Thank you, I hope you enjoy it.

           French said

        Good morning, the tutorial is very good, do you know any way to install Parabola Gnu / Linux?
        I have tried several times and it is so easy, how to install GNU-Hurd =)
        It is based on Arch Linux, only it carries 100% GPL packages
        There is a way to install Arch and then update to the Parabola repositories, but that would mean more bandwidth consumption. IF there was a way it would be fine. Regards.

             Alexander ponce said

          If the installation is easy, then what is the problem? It would be convenient for you to comment on them.
          I just read the guide and it is exactly the same, however, you must perform a few extra steps, this guide will help you a lot to understand each step of the installation
          On the wiki, you will find a guide to migrate:

          If you have questions / problems, below the guide is my email.

      Ignacio Rodriguez said

    Thanks for the tutorial.
    However you should include a warning in step 1, when you propose to use the command
    dd if = / home / user / downloads / arch.iso of = / dev / sdb

    You must warn that the b in sbd must be replaced by where the pendrive actually is, or else someone can damage a second hard drive that you have installed!

         Alexander ponce said

      This guide is made for medium / advanced Linux users, however the fan user is not missing.
      Thank you very much for the detail I will add it when I return from school, greetings.

           Joel jimenez said

        haha I am guilty! Thank you very much for the time you took to make the tutorial! It served me a lot! I've been using ubuntu for a while and it's fine, but I wanted to try arch and didn't know how to install via terminal! It has served me a lot, thank you!

      piero said

    Hello! Thanks for the tutorial. I am using Manjaro xfce and although I am generally happy I have seen it somewhat unstable, that is why I am looking to return to Crunchbang. I wanted to ask you if this tutorial is useful for Archbang? If I'm looking for something solid like Debian, will I stop looking at Arch? I have an Acer Aspire v5 64 bit.

         Alexander ponce said

      The truth is, I do not know the current method of installing Archbang, if the graphic method is still used, this guide can help you to guide you in case you have any questions about Archbang's steps.

      In the list of entries at the end of the guide, there is a tutorial for installing Openbox, in case you install Arch Linux.


         Salvador said

      Piero I had Debian on my laptop of the same model as yours, debian runs perfect, it runs very well in fact, right now I plan to switch to arch for new adventures and because the stability of debian even testing already makes me angry

      Cris said

    Great guide !!
    Thanks for sharing your knowledge.
    I necessarily need to dual boot with Windows 8 on a non-UEFI laptop. Is the process of installing grub sufficient for dual boot to work?

         Alexander ponce said

      This is a guide to installing Arch as the only system on your computer.

      To install Arch together with Win X, you must carry out other steps (prepare and omit some partitions, install os-prober, view the grub configuration once the grub.cfg file has been generated, etc.).

      I am working on another guide for Arch installation with Windows X.

           Allan said

        Any news with the guide to install with windows 8?

         FerMG said

      You need to install os-prober to recognize the partition with windows.

           joakoej said

        Thanks for the comment, it helped me

      Cost Granda said

    Perfect this guide, I congratulate you on the work, very well explained and well organized as well as beautiful and intuitive.
    Thank you

         Alexander ponce said

      Thanks a lot! I hope you enjoy it, greetings.

      Conqueror said

    It's better Debian, Arch Linux is very unstable ๐Ÿ˜‰

         Alexander ponce said

      Everyone has their own criteria and respect.

           KZKG ^ Gaara said

        Excellent answer, +1!

         davidlg said

      unstable, well that as they say will be your criteria
      my Arch is doing better on the netbook than debian, then arch is better than debian for netbook, yes hahaha, not everything depends on the hardware type of installationโ€ฆ.

      Arch can be unstable, but only if you ignore the news on the wiki, by the way everything is calm, let's see if Allan McRae and his team surprise us with something funny

         fenriz said

      Conquistador, your comment is out of context ...

         Therefore said

      Better ArchLinux. Debian is very archaic. ๐Ÿ˜‰

      sfermat said

    The guide is very good, I would just add that at the beginning if a linux partition is selected (it is like number 28 or 48, I don't remember) everything is installed together (boot, root, home)

         Alexander ponce said

      Thanks for sharing, I'll keep it in mind.

           DANKD said

        For years I put 4 partitions (swap; / boot; / (root); / home). The boot, root and home partitions of type "ext4". But a couple of years ago I put only 3: swap, / boot and / (root) and it has never given me problems, because I have window and linux and my DATA is in a separate partition (disk D in Windows, type NTFS) which I can access from window and Linux. I read that you have to create a / boot partition, which is recommended, however Esfermat says everything together, well I don't know, I'm between novice and intermediate. Excellent your guide, I'm going to try it right now, the first time I read about Arch's installation I had a stroke, now I think I can do it.
        On this page it tells how to put Window and Arch:
        It is similar to yours, maybe it was copied, but hey I add the way to put the two operating systems.
        Thanks for the guide !!!

      nuadera said

    With this, gratitude is imposed.

      Fredy said

    Megapedazodeguiadeinstalacion, appreciated a lot. One that had to be documented in several places to install it.

      Mark Serrano said

    Excellent guide, the best in Spanish speaking !!

    To favorites of course.


      Phew said

    Some time ago I put the batteries to install Archlinux, but only after finding Alejandro's tutorial on his personal blog. Honestly I have never seen such a well detailed and prepared tutorial. Good-ni-si-mo!

      Faustino said

    True, what a great guide, he explains the things that other guides take for granted and that helps a lot.

      majority said

    I am right now with Mageia 4 and kaos 2014 in which I am very happy, however I have always had the thorn to try arch, suddenly I was encouraged to take advantage of this guide, greetings and thanks for the trouble of making this articleโ€ฆ.

      x11tete11x said

    good guide, you would have to add that ๐Ÿ˜€ because if not more than one will be left without a keyboard xD

         Alexander ponce said

      I was just working on it, thanks for sharing.

         Samuel said

      But when do you introduce it? During the installation? In which step of the guide?

      patodx said

    The best Arch guide, on the best Linux website.

         davidlg said

      Correct, but a
      I thanks to Gregorio Espadas = Gespadas I installed it

      after a while you already look at the wiki, or you make your notes to remember the steps

      Eugenio said

    One thing: this guide is only for BIOS / MBR systems, not UEFI / GPT systems, which are most of the current ones.

         pandev92 said

      most uefi systems can be put on legacy.

      ร‘andekuera said

    I installed my Arch with a graphical installer and without much guidance. Ah, noโ€ฆ it was Manjaro !! ๐Ÿ˜€
    Thanks for the input. I'm going to test it in a virtual box.

         Leonardo said

      Well, yes, but the famous manjaro can't always do them, on my Gateway AMD A6 Quadcore laptop with ATI Radeon hd, he just couldn't, and with Arch the first time, I tried a lot, CrunchBang, Ubuntu, Manjaro, Fedora, Suse, Bodhi Linux, Chakra, elementary OS, Pear OS, KaOS, I must say that these did work on a Compaq with older ati radeon

      A Tal Lucas said

    WTF ?? all that has to be done? I would like an article explaining the advantages of using Arch.

         ร‘andekuera said

      But if they are well known ...
      (Cortรกzar used the console)

      tahuri said

    Very good Guide ๐Ÿ™‚ the truth is that it is very useful for those who venture to install Arch ๐Ÿ™‚ for a year I have more or less in one of my notebooks and it is love at first sight XD

      Gustavo Rafael Martinez Espeleta said

    thanks for the guide, very organized and presented ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Jesus said

    Excellent guide! It's amazing how easy Archlinux is to install, I don't understand why many are afraid of it. Thanks for the guide.

         joakoej said

      For you it will be easy, I couldn't even install it on a very hdp usb flash, imagine having tried with all the tools available on the market to only be able to mount the image on a usb, unetbootin, uneversal usb installer Linux live usb creator , dd for windows, dd for linux, manually in linux, etc and don't mount it, I don't see how easy it is

         joakoej said

      Well, now that I was able to install it, it was very easy, although the truth is that with the wiki they already tell you everything, I used the wiki, the beginner's guide is re-completed. Anyway, a couple of things I followed from this post, how to create a user, I used the groups that they put here

      AlonsoSanti14 said

    excellent guide ... I just wanted to try arch again but I didn't have the guide ... thanks

      piero said

    Alexander. I ask you a question without any kind of partisanship or distros flag: Is Arch Linux a stable distro? Understand stability by Crunchbang. The tutorial is really very good, and I am seriously thinking about flying Manjaro, and installing Arch with Openbox. But I'd like to know that before I just fool myself with Arch. Thank you

         Alexander ponce said

      As for stability, it is a distro in which you will have somewhat unexpected problems (mainly focused on package updates), however they are very simple problems.
      Most of all Arch's problems (bugs) come with a hidden advantage that is learning.
      However, I do not take it as a disadvantage, once installed the only key to having a suitable system is to configure it, giving it its common use you will realize that with that system you will stay forever.

      I invite you to try it, any questions or / and problems remember that you have more than one community eager to help you.


      Andrรฉs said

    Excellent tutorialโ€ฆ Congratulations!

      Hello said

    Very good guide, I congratulate you, but in my personal opinion it is one more point not to install arch, it is not worth the long installation process, it would take a long time to install a system that only promises me the latest versions of applications and a regular operation already which is quite unstable precisely because it has all beta, I prefer debian sid this all recent but not so green as to be unstable but each crazy with his remedy
    But apart from my opinion of the system is yes, I saw the entire guide and again I congratulate you it is very complete and will help a lot to those who want to install arch

      tabris said

    Would it be possible to add a ยซinstall XBMC and full graphical stack on arch linuxยป?

      Sergio E. Duran said

    Excellent tip Alejandro, by the way all KDEeros get ready for KDE 5 because it will come with a new style for the QT widgets which will be modern and at the same time nice and flat ๐Ÿ™‚

      AlonsoSanti14 said

    When you want to load the keyboard configuration, I get: "loadkeys not found" ... there is no way, someone tells me how to do it

         elav said

      Very rare what you comment. That comes by default on the installation disc.

         watch said

      loadkeys is

         poor taku said

      ... but mine brings loadkeys

         Alexander ponce said

      Regarding what x11tete11x says, I think it has nothing to do, if it were the problem on the part of the keyboard, how did they manage to write the command?

      For affected users, I immediately send them an email.

      Please, send your problems to my email, since communication is easier to solve the problems.

      French said

    You can post an installation guide for Parabola GNU / Linux, it is based on Arch-Linux:
    Best regards

      jamin samuel said

    Too brutal

      Nicholas said

    Hi, I want to test Arch with OpenBox, but all this long installation topic is tedious and unnecessary to my liking. However I want a distro that keeps up with Arch's philosophy well (I got tired of Mint and Ubuntu) and I want to try something more risky than Debian Testing.

    Should I install ArchBang which brings basically the same thing I want to have and saves me time?
    Will there be any difference or will I have basically the same packages and things in the long run?

    Thank you!

         static said

      Try Manjaro Linux, it is a distro based on Archlinux, it has all the advantages of #Archlinux but without everything you learn when installing it


      Note: What you learn with #Archlinux will serve you for life

      duncan said

    The guide is very good to learn and know how to do certain things by hand, however for those of us who already know the manual installation, I recommend using some of the existing scripts to lighten things up a bit or even make your own. In particular I use the aui script. It can be downloaded with git after step 2:
    pacman -S git
    git clone git: //

    It's pretty comprehensive and doesn't automatically install junk that isn't useful. That is in English so you have to be familiar and also read everything calmly.

      poor taku said

    What a good guide, look that I'm bored and my old team with its somewhat damaged plate and a pentium four could entertain me for a while. I left it with debian 6 (which is doing very well) but to cackle a little pus, this is it, although I also wanted to try kolobri os or put puppy on it.

      jamin samuel said

    just wao

      jorgemanjarrezlerma said

    Excellent tutorial to install this excellent distro. The truth is work but if someone really wants to learn, this distro is the best for it and its maintenance is much easier and without complications since it is only updated.

    Some time ago I did something similar, but I keep it for reference.

      sanhuesoft said

    I am a faithful follower of your blog Alejandro, in fact it was thanks to him that I managed to install ArchLinux on my computer last year and since then I have not moved. I used to use Ubuntu, but I was never comfortable enough with its package system or Unity or many other things. ArchLinux had always caught my attention, but I have never found such an intuitive guide to install and make it functional. So I really appreciate it.

    Moving on to another topic, what interests me most at the moment is that you finish the Pantheon Installation Guide on Arch Linux ... I'm dying to try it, because although I tried a long time ago I did not like the experience. Apparently the version I installed was very out of date.

    Anyway, good job and thank you.

      kratoz29 said

    Are you still standing in making a tutorial on how to install the eos environment? I particularly loved this environment, the most powerful compiz tools simplified with good resource management.

    I have installed manjaro (the "friendly arch") and tried to install this environment on my own, but I just can't do it.

      static said

    Excellent, remember that using Archlinux does not make us better users, daily use allows you to gain experience, thanks for the Guide

      linkaevolution said

    Amazing your installation guide, I am eager for you to finish writing the missing guides from the crossed out list: P. I congratulate you +10

      Jorge said

    Hi, many future Arch-users will appreciate it; Before moving to Gentoo, I was an Arch Linux user, and well, in my experience as a Linux user in general, with 100 MB for / boot, it is enough, taking into account the criterion that you will only have one kernel per system . And that now I use Gentoo and it requires compiling it, I still haven't had any problems. And what a relief that 10-15 GB for / at least, because I have 17 xD

    That would be.


      Guido rolon said

    What a good post. Today I was trying to install arch. And one I realized that it was the same as my beginnings with Linux. With slackware. A lot of commands. This is for males. As it was unix. This post deserves a 10+ if it were taringa as I read out there. Thank you. Now it made me want to restart the installation

      pato said

    Hello Alejandro, thank you very much for your excellent work !!!

      pato said

    Hello Alejandro, thank you very much for your excellent guide. I was looking for the one you had for wireless network installation but I can't find it available- I thank you when you can publish it since it was very helpful to install arch on my laptop-

         Alexander ponce said

      The wireless network installation guide is omitted, since we now have the command: # wifi-menu.


      apieman said

    Hello Alejandro, I was wondering what happened to all the guides that were already ready in your personal blog, I know that you are possibly migrating them to this blog but I needed to ask you to clear my head.

    I need to update a few PC's and I have always used your guides as references, a very strong greeting and a thousand thanks for all the work you do for free, I hope to see the guides "prepared" soon, especially the Arch with Windows X (not being able to create a fifth partition, I can't think of what to do)

         Alexander ponce said

      Thank you very much for your comment, the Arch with WIndows installation guide is in development however, I can help you through my email, greetings.

      DwLinuxero said

    Very good guide but I realize that each time installing Arch Linux is "easier" since it was decided not to keep the installer that still gave this distribution some ease, luckily we still have projects like Chakra for which we do not want to lose both time formatting by hand and installing the system by hand.
    Now I use Dream Studio but it is giving me so many problems (now less luckily) that I am thinking of trying Chakra Linux for example I do not want to waste so much time in installations and configurations

      static said

    Thanks to your Blog it's been about a year since I got a perfect installation of Archlinux, I must thank you for now posting for the community DesdeLinux, you always have to be up to date with Archlinux news for any updates, I hope you continue publishing your tips as I always read them.


      4nsick said

    Excellent, but I need to install an Arch dual boot along with Win7, how should I partition the hard drive?

    Please if someone can help me.

      Azureus said

    Hello, your guide helped me a lot but I had a problem, just when I was downloading the gnome group of packages the pc freezes and did not respond to anything, I had to turn off and when I tried to try to install the packages again it tells me that certain files are already on the file system and aborts on errors. Is there any way I can fix it?

         Alexander ponce said

      Please send your problems / doubts to my email.

      rainbow_fly said

    They should add an explanation for the cases where it installs with UEFI

      Andrรฉs said

    The guide is great, I only had one problem, I am installing it in a super old machine with a video card integrated to the board, one of those generic ones, I installed the vesa video driver but nothing worked, I got an error from Xserver, I did a pacman xf86-video-fbdev and xf86-video-vesa and there if it passed the x server test. One question, don't you have a LXDE guide? Thank you, great your guide

         Alexander ponce said

      Hello, I have sent you an email with the instructions for LXDE.


      eduardo said

    and tried various tutorials but I get confused at the base system installation step
    there which of the 3 pacstrap should I install?
    one followed by another ??

         Alexander ponce said


      Of the 3 commands, each one installs a different package, so you must make them or put them together: # pacstrap / mnt base base-devel grub-bios networkmanager


      ramon said

    Hello man, I have 4 boots, win 8 win 7 backtrack and slackware, I will replace the slackware partition with archlinux, but I see that you make 4 partitions, and my slackware partition is a primary partition, as I do to install, I have another swap that works for bactrack, how would you please help me to my email

      Daniel said

    Congratulations on the guide, it is excellent.
    I wanted to tell you that after starting networkmanager, in order to connect to the internet via wifi I had to use the following command:
    # nmcli dev wifi connect password
    This due to the impossibility of using a wired network.

         Daniel said

      Sorry the command isร‘
      # nmcli dev wifi connect "SSID" password "password"

           Alexander ponce said

        Thank you very much, updated guide.

      Eduardo said

    Cheers!! I have a huge problem with "$ sudo pacman -Syu" it won't let me update because I'm not connected to the internet, the only way I can use it is wifi but it doesn't let me use the wifi-menu anymore and with "systemctl start NetworkManager. service "I don't connect I have looked for other tutorials but when I use iwconfig it tells me not" -bash: iwconfig: the command was not found "that you recommend!?!

      MegaMauritius said

    Very good tutorial, it helped me a lot together with other documentation from the web to SUCCESSFULLY install Archlinux on my system. Thank you very much and for the effort invested in making this guide. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Juan Carlos Cabrera said

    The best Arch Linux installation tutorial I've ever seen. and I've seen many, but this one surpasses them all. Thanks for the time and dedication to do something so great and well explained.

      genzodany said

    Video to show that Archlinux installation is a simple process that today has enough documentation to be done by less experienced users.
    Alejandro Ponce's guide has been followed:
    Let's break the myth, ArchLinux is not just for advanced users!

         Carlos said

      One question I am virtualizing the arch linux I follow all the steps but the grub does not run after the reboot I still get the same main screen of the archlinux

      bryam said

    excellent served me thanks for the great work

      joakoej said

    Hello, does anyone know how to do to burn file to usb correctly? because I tried it in a thousand different ways and it doesn't work for me, I tried with Unetbootin, Linux Live Usb Creator, Universal Usb Installer, dd for windows, dd for linux, etc, but so far the one that has come closest to achieving it is dd.
    However, with dd it tells me "this is not a bootable disk", so I don't know what to do

         joakoej said

      In the end I solved it thanks to the Arch Linux forum, I used a program called Rufus to burn images to usb and it worked 100%, now I have Arch installed, thanks to this program which was the only thing that worked for me.

         static said
      isaac said

    chingon thank you very much

      jamin samuel said

    Is it necessary to create a separate partition for the / boot?

    If the answer is yes, what would happen to this partition as new kernels are downloaded, will it run out of space and rewrite the previous kernels?

    Why do you recommend ext2 instead of ext4 for this / boot partition?

         static said

      It is not necessary, you can create only 2 partitions

      / and / swap

      / >>> is the root and
      / swap >>> the swap area

      redact said

    Hello this is an excellent guide, however I have a problem, I can only access the internet if I define a static IP, how can I install archlinux using a static IP? Please I would love for you to help me with my problem, thank you

      Inukaze said

    Hi, I managed to install ArchLinux, 99.9%
    The point is that 0.1% is the following

    When you create the configuration with
    $ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

    It turns out that I generate the following:

    menuentry 'Arch Linux, with Linux 3.14.4-1-ARCH' โ€“class arch โ€“class gnu-linux โ€“class gnu โ€“class os โ€“group group_main {
    insmod ext2
    set root = '(hd0,6)'
    search โ€“no-floppy โ€“fs-uuid โ€“set 39c2b115-9c28-4805-87bf-88657495ea4c
    echo 'Loading Linux 3.14.4-1-ARCHโ€ฆ'
    linux / vmlinuz-linux root = / dev / sdb7 rw quiet splash init = / usr / lib / systemd / systemd
    echo 'Loading initial ramdiskโ€ฆ'
    initrd /initramfs-linux.img

    The problem is the line

    linux / vmlinuz-linux root = / dev / sdb7 rw quiet splash init = / usr / lib / systemd / systemd

    Due to the
    root = / dev / sdb7

    Because it should be:

    Because because of that, when it tries to boot sometimes it looks for / dev / sda7 other times / dev / sdb7, and I don't know why it lives changing the values โ€‹โ€‹of those letters to the same hard disk every time I start or restart the computer.

    Well then install burg, and you have the exact same problem, which puts root = / dev / sdX # instead of root = UUID = ###โ€ฆ

    You know what I should do so that every time I run things like

    $ sudo burg-mkconfig -o /boot/burg/burg.cfg
    $sudo update-burg

    $ sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
    $ sudo update-grub

    Fit the menu entries:

    menuentry 'Arch Linux, with Linux 3.14.4-1-ARCH' โ€“class arch โ€“class gnu-linux โ€“class gnu โ€“class os โ€“group group_main {
    insmod ext2
    set root = '(hd0,6)'
    search โ€“no-floppy โ€“fs-uuid โ€“set 39c2b115-9c28-4805-87bf-88657495ea4c
    echo 'Loading Linux 3.14.4-1-ARCHโ€ฆ'
    [b] linux / vmlinuz-linux root = UUID = 6af334c4-52a1-4e16-925e-cc54006b269f rw quiet splash init = / usr / lib / systemd / systemd [/ b]
    echo 'Loading initial ramdiskโ€ฆ'
    initrd /initramfs-linux.img


    instead it says root = UUID instead of root = / dev / sdX #, since with / dev / sdX # it doesn't work for me. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

         holds said

      In the file / etc / default / grub there is this line:
      If it is not commented with the # it disables the use of UUID in the kernel line and instead uses the old method of / dev / sdxx ..
      If this is the problem after editing the mentioned line you repeat the command
      Sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

      xunil said

    About all these desktop environments, which one takes up the least space on a laptop other than the basic Xorg desktop?

         static said

      For about 1 year I have used only Awesome, it is not a graphical environment, it is only a window manager, however the performance is optimal. I suggest you opt for xfce or lxde which are one of the lightest that I have tried.


      maxi said

    very good tutorial. very simple, I never used linux and I pulled my head over linux. why do i think

      maxi said

    Very good tutorial. very simple, I never used linux and I pulled my head for this distro. because I believe what everyone says: "Arch is simple." Anyway, I had a crash, when I enter the chroot and I want to use the "nano" command, it tells me that the function is unknown, in step 8. Do you know why? I don't remember skipping any step

      Pillar said

    Hello, I am new to archlinux, thanks for the guide, but when I finish everything when restarting it, it does not allow me to enter root, or any tty, if you could answer me please

         Adolfo Rojas G. said

      you did not mount the partitions well: /

      Francisco said

    Hello Alejandro, a pleasure to greet you, I congratulate you for your very complete tutorial, excellent, look, I still consider myself a newbie in Linux and I have always addressed the easy-to-install distros, now with this help and explanation, I am trying.
    I do not know if, this distro is for more modern equipment, I have not been able to install this distro on a Pentium 4 with 1 GB of ram, in this step (# pacstrap / mnt grub-bios), it throws an error and others that really do not me Okay, well then I continue with the rest of the procedure, and in the end I restart it and again it throws me BOTTLE AND GROUP ERROR, what would be the problem, Alejandro?

    I await your prompt response, GREETINGS.

      tzekelkan27 said

    Excellent guide !!! It helped me a lot. Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

      ezequiel said

    Thanks a lot!! It's just what I needed.

      padsan3 said

    Very good tutorial, I am a beginner in the world of Linux but very eager to learn. I was able to follow all the steps without problems, but in the installation of the graphical environment I have had certain problems. I am installing Arch Linux on virtualbox and I think that may be the problem. It would be good to indicate the additional actions to be carried out in virtualbox. Thanks for all the information, it is very useful.

      Jorge Manjarrez Lerma said

    That such.

    Excellent tutoring, it is clear and focused on the process that, although it is laborious, results in an excellent system. Although it would be nice to have specified a couple of things:

    1.-How to install the LTS Kernel, this for those people who wish to have a more stable system in relation to regression problems and other things.

    2.- A Boot Manager different from GRUB, like SYSLINUX which I personally recommend for "old" teams.

    Kind regards.

    Jorge Manjarrez Lerma

         Manual of the Source said

      Personally, I do not recommend the LTS kernel, I was using it for a while in an Arch installation, and like the rest of the system components they are always very up-to-date but the kernel remains out of date ends up causing more problems.

      Julio Garcia said

    Hello how are you, good post
    I managed to carry out the entire installation but when I connected to a wireless network I could not, it shows me the following: Erro: No Wi-Fi device found.
    I do not know what to do
    thanks in advance for the tutorial

      tests said

    Good afternoon, sorry I have followed the steps but to restart the system waiting to see the grub I did not want to install archlinux next to windows 8 but all I see is that windows 8 starts but I do not see any grub or anything I followed the steps perfectly until ยซ reboot ยป

         Manual of the Source said

      GRUB did not install correctly. Reinstall it by doing this:

      1. Boot again from your USB stick where you recorded Arch Linux.

      2. Mount the partitions you have made. If you did it according to the tutorial it would be:

      mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
      mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
      mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/home

      3. Enter the chroot environment:

      arch-chroot /mnt

      4. Reinstall and reconfigure GRUB (in this command it is only / dev / sda, no number is put after sda):

      grub-install /dev/sda
      grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

      5. Close chroot, unmount the partitions and when you reboot you should have GRUB running:

      umount /mnt/{boot,home,}

           tests said

        Thanks for the help it worked for me, however I have 2 problems the first is that when I start my pc the grub does not appear and "input not supported" appears after a few seconds it starts and enters archlinux, so I cannot start in windows if I want to, I don't know if I even can since I don't see anything and I didn't make the home partition wanting it to be the same partition that shared root and home as in other linux systems that you don't have to give home a specific partition if you don't want to and Only the folder is created, just as my keyboard is misconfigured I'm using twm trying to install awesome that I had already used in debian

             Manual of the Source said

          Hmm, it seems that there is an incompatibility problem with some part of your hardware. Check if this works for you:

           Test said

        Thanks for the help I don't have hp I have an acer with a GMA X4500 and I always use other distributions but hey if that were the problem, would the solution be to use lilo?

      tests said

    Now on the screen appears the monitor msg "input not supported" mount my root partition

      xunil32 said

    In an Archlinux installation through virtualbox in terms of partitions, what is recommended ???

      Saul said

    Hello, very good guide, I only have one question,
    How to install it with uefi I have a lenovo? because like this the guide with this laptop does not work for me = (

         elav said

      For UEFI I advise you to install with Antergos, which is Arch with some more packages. I have tested it and it works perfectly, you just have to create a partition in FAT32 of no less than 100MB and no more than 512MB and in the installation you put it as / boot. You will see how the Antergos installer detects it automatically.

           Saul said

        Ok thank you very much, I will try with Antergos =)

      bitl0rd said

    excellent guide friendโ€ฆ it already caused me to quit kubuntu and start with Arch, I loved pacman and the repositories !!

      Andrew said

    I tried to install it and everything was fine until after the reboot, when I create the partition table it recognizes the other distros that I have installed, but when I rebooted the first time after installing everything, only arch appears, when I start with arch (any of the two options) I get an error and go back to grub, I think there was a similar error last year, could you help me with that?

      Dixie said

    I can do everything, but I install it on uefi even though I can also do it with bios, but how do I install the bootloader in efi

      guli said

    Very good dataaaa

      Elian said

    Hello! The tutorial is great and I have only one problem ... when I restart the system to start configuring it, it tells me that my password is wrong.

    I run "su", I put the password that I established steps back and the system says "login incorrect". It is already the second time that I install it and the same thing happens to me ... any solution or something? It is the only problem I had!

         Sanders gutierrez said

      I have the same problem, everything works except that when I go to log in with the user I created it tells me login incorrect and I don't understand why, I verified the wheel activation, that it belonged to all the groups specified in the guide and nothing, I changed the passwd thinking it was that and neither. Can someone help me with this

         Sanders gutierrez said

      OK, solved, this is what I did

      I verified the shell of the user who creates (in my case "sanders") with the command
      cat / etc / passwd | grep sanders
      Output: sanders: x: 1000: 100: / home / sanders: / usr / bin / bash

      Where / usr / bin / bash -> is our default shell when logging into the system. (But I guess you already know that).

      Then I checked the default shells with the command
      cat / etc / shells

      Starting Line:

      / etc / shells

      / bin / sh
      / bin / bash

      End of file

      Then I did the shell change.

      For this I tried two options. If we execute which bash it will always show us / usr / bin / bash, even if we use type bash instead of the previous command it will also show us [bash is associated (/ usr / bin / bash)] and it is hardly logical since / bin is a symbolic link to / usr / bin / at least in arch.

      First: change the shell with the command
      chsh -s / bin / bash sanders

      This will make the / etc / passwd file no longer have / usr / bin / bash but / bin / bash and that works.

      Second: add / usr / bin / bash to the default shell list
      nano / etc / shells
      and I add / usr / bin / bash save and close

      After using either of the two options I was able to login successfully.

      A greeting!

      Archerwithgainsofplayingwindows said

    As I said on several occasions, excellent guide.
    But when that arch and windows installation guide and?

      Juan said

    Thank you very much for the guide, it is very well explained!

      Misael Armenta said


      Elkin said

    Congratulations !! really, thank you very much for this excellent guide! Too bad I don't have any money now because I would like to support you and these are one of those jobs that you see that many people contribute and make you really want to pay them back for their effort and time doing it. Greetings from Colombia!! Thanks Miles.

      gabouh said

    Thanks Alejandro for your knowledge, it is an excellent guide, even the imagewriter helped me a lot since my other options like lili or yumi usb did not want to work.
    I have the doubt that I already have dual boot of mint and windows 7, I am dividing the disk and I am stuck because I delete the partitions that correspond to linux but when I give write this tells me that it will write to the disk and the data goes they will undergo changes, I understand that but will this also affect my windows partition?

      Omar udave said

    thanks for the guide

    but you won't be able to help me it doesn't detect me broadcom b43 network card driver could you help me to install it

         let's use linux said

      Hello Omar!

      For a few days we have made available a new question and answer service called Ask DesdeLinux. We suggest that you transfer this type of consultation there so that the entire community can help you with your problem.

      A hug, Pablo.

           Omar Udave} said

        Thank you very much I already solved it but I will take it into account thanks

      Johender garcia said

    Goodnight friend. I've been testing different distro for several weeks. to see which one convinces me the most and of course which one works best on my netbook. Today in the morning I woke up with the idea that I wanted to try ArchLinux and searching in SanGoogle I found this guide. but at the time of installation I have encountered a problem. and it is that the screen turns off at all times regardless of whether I am writing the commands or not. and the screen does not turn on when I press any key, I have to wait about 1m and then I hit the power button and it starts up where it left off.
    I am doing the installation from a USB that I made bootable with LinuxLive USB Creator.

      ManuelH said

    I am trying to install it in VirtualBox, the problem is after selecting in GRUB to enter. The screen stays black ... And neither pa 'back nor pa' front. Does anyone know how to solve this? Cheers

      shini kire said

    at the point when I unmount boot and home and reboot, it doesn't start xD it stays on reboot ๐Ÿ™ and grub doesn't appear or anything that could be ??

      Eduardo said

    good afternoon
    I have tried several times to install archlinux but when I get to the partition it always gives me errors, it had turned into the small hard disk so I try to have root and swap only, of course with the guide that is here I have not tried but I would have to 4 partition the disk and it is small. I got tired of struggling with it.
    anyway thank you very much.

      Alexander said

    A question ?? .. If I mount the iso in VirtualBox the installation would be the same.
    or there would be changes.

      moa said

    And if I want to install it with Win?

      dextre said

    A query after reboot I put poweroff believing that it would start me again with the iso in the virtualbox so I removed it or rather remove the iso and when I restart there was nothing, I have to leave the iso set? At the time of reboot, won't the arch iso appear again as if it were installing again? thanks for the comment.

    everything had been erased, it will be at another time.

         Juan Carlos Cabrera said

      Excellent tutorial, but I have a little problem to see if someone helps me, first in the partitioning part as I have downloaded the latest version of Arch from the page, the partitioning is something different since I write the cfdisk command I get 5 formats that I have What to choose before partitioning choose the first one but I don't know if it is the correct one, second there are no longer the options that you choose the number 82 as linux swap, now it is by name and there are many I do not see the option to boot only, and finally I do All the steps and when I reboot the system does not load or even start I have done it several times in several virtual machines and it is always the same.

      any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

      amaranth said

    Incredible documentation. Thanks for everything !!!!!!!!!

      mxtld1 said

    If you get an error like the following

    Error: Connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided.

    it is solved like this; at least it worked for me

    sudo nmcli dev wifi connect YourNetworkName password 'password'

    single quotes are necessary when your network password includes weird symbols.

      Rick berdejo said

    Thank you very much for your guidance. It is very good.

    Here is a guide that I found for those who need information on how to install on UEFI computers.

         Nicolas said

      Great guide, I put it into practice this afternoon on my pc and fabulous ๐Ÿ™‚

      Christian Alexis said

    I am following this guide but I have stayed in this part:
    sudo nmcli dev wifi connect "SSID" password "password"

    I change the SSID and password to the ones corresponding to my network, but I always get an error of not found, any consideration to take into account? Thank you.

      eliotime3000 said

    Your guide was more enlightening when it came to testing it in Virtualbox than the official guide itself. Thank you very much for saving me long hours of tedium.

      anonymous said

    Hi Alejandro, I have a question, I already have debian installed next to windows on the disk, I want to use the windows partition to install arch, the problem is that it only lets me make two partitions so I thought I could install arch in a single partition as well as in ubuntu that is to say in that partition would be / root / boot / home and so on, but when mounting partitions it is said that mounting sda1 in mnt as root means that the other folders / home / boot as the amount or is not viable ,
    my partitions are like this according to gparted
    / dev / sda1 ntfs / media / xxxxxxxxx 97.65gb
    unallocated 1mb
    / dev / sda2 ext4 / 46.7gb
    not assigned
    / dev / sda3 extended 787.29gb
    / dev / sda5 linux-swap 1.86gb
    / dev / sda6 ext4 / home 785.43
    I want to install arch in sda1 more specifically some advice, I don't want to touch debian I want to leave it as it is and I want to test arch but I don't want to virtualize it
    Thank you in any case I await your answer

      Alex said

    Hello, I followed all the steps as they correspond more than 6 times, already tired in all the attempts, I deleted and re-formatted the partitions, I deleted the partitions, I recreated them just like this, there is no case. My problem is the following the system installs everything fine until the last step of arch installation. but when I give it in reboot it restarts and as it wants to start but it restarts at the moment it does it over and over again without stopping. (You can read that it says GRUB loading on the screen.) To get rid of my doubts, I tried to install it with the Evo and it gave me the same error and I don't know what to make any recommendation. With other Linux systems I have no problem with just arch. I await your reply as soon as possible. Thank you by the way, my pc is a TOSHIBA satellite C845 - SP4301SA

      Colorado said

    Someday I install it, for now I use manjaro, Greetings.

      jose said


    I've followed the steps but it hangs on the first reboot with this message

    loading initial ramdisk


      diego said

    After having installed everything but the gnome graphical environment, for some unknown reason, I stopped starting the Terminal, I tried to start it and it runs out. Thanks for this excellent tutorial. Please help.

      carlos ferra said

    I don't know why people keep installing Arch, they just waste time and risk making mistakes, so that they underestimate the work of the creators of Manjaro. In less than an hour you have Arch installed with everything you need.

         KZKG ^ Gaara said

      So installing Arch is a waste of time ... LOL !!! โ€ฆ Your comment is very, very funny ๐Ÿ˜€

      pedro said

    I don't get the root prompt when I start the installation, it happened to someone

      Hugo Landaeta said

    Good evening, I write to you about the following, install archlinux in VirtualBox following this guide, everything was perfect until the configuration to connect to a wireless network with Network Manager. It gives me the following message "error: no WI-FI device found".

      Carlos said

    Good excellent guide, although I wanted to ask if you could help me. Install Arch with your guide I had no problem. Thank you very much for your help. Now I have a problem I want to delete everything and install it again adding the kali as well but when I restart and configure the boot for usb it enters grub directly to boot without reading the bootable isbs. I tell you the usb I made them through the terminal by the dd command and also my pc has uefi bios. I know it is not a specific query from the post but I spent the whole weekend trying to find out without success. I appreciate your help in advance. Goal hug. P / d by the way, you know that I could never make wine work, I managed to install all the dependencies but no windows program worked well for me, I mean they open but they do not work correctly. Thank you

      Juan Carlos Cabrera said

    Good evening, I would like you to clarify a question for me, when I write the cfdisk command to partition the disk, I get 4 options to choose which are: gpt, two, sgi, sun, those 4 options come out, which one do I have to choose? I always choose the first one but when partitioning I don't get the swap option, I want you to help me please and thank you.

      zabapuen said

    why at this point, in 2015 systems are still being installed assuming only BIOS is used? What do the UEFI do? How do I install the grub with UEFI support with pacstrap? How do I set the / boot partition? should I use the UEFI partition and mount it in / boot?

         elav said

      On the Wiki there is a lot of information about it. Now, from my experience, to install ArchLinux with UEFI I don't complicate my life and I install with Antergos, which has support for that and does it very easily. All you have to do is set a 512MB partition to FAT32 and say that / boot will be there ..


      Valerie Graciela said

    To install Arch in dual-boot with Windows, or another system already installed, before entering the chroot, it is essential to install os-prober, or it will not recognize other systems.

    pacstrap / mnt os-prober

    I also installed it on the live CD just in case

    pacman -Sy
    pacman -S os-prober

         Javier said

      And the partitions as they would be created since I can only create 2 primaries after having installed windows first

      Gromit Diaz said

    Is this guide for installation in virtual machine, or only for physical?

         yukiteru said

      You can use it in a virtual machine too.

      Rodrigo Llancafil said

    Hello! it's been a while since it was on linux. Today I wanted to install archbang! because it takes less time to configure everything when it comes ready to use. The problem is that I cannot start the usb modem, the only means of connection to the internet that I have at work. Previously I did it with

    $ sudo systemctl start ModemManager.service && sudo systemctl enable ModemManager.service

    and that was enough, he would walk out the first time. Now it doesn't go, it tells me:

    failed to start ModemManager.service: Unit ModemManager.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

    What I can be doing wrong? the difference is that now I installed it in uefi ... could it be that?
    Thanks for the ideas you can give me, I'm quite a newbie at this ๐Ÿ™‚

         yukiteru said

      You must install modemmanager in the first instance.

      sudo pacman -S modemmanager

      And then activate the service.

      Darko said

    Hello thanks for the tutorial, just a question in the version of arch that I am trying to install the type "Bootable" does not appear and I see that the FreeBSD type appears and I want to know which option I have to use, the one I try in this try to install it is the Bios BOOT. Can you help me please, I would appreciate it.
    Kind regards.

         Adolfo Rojas said

      In case you don't get it, it seems to me to have seen an option in type in which you say it is boot
      Or if not, after creating the partitions, when the fences are to be mounted you clarify which is the bootable.
      The other thing you can do is instead of using cfdisk, you can partition with gparted, or manual partitioning ๐Ÿ™‚
      * Note: The last time I installed arch, it was in February.

      Darko said

    Hello, thanks for the tutorial, I followed it and when I got to the part to put a type to the boot partition I came across that the version I am using of arch, is 2015, it does not have the "Bootable" flag and it try BIOS BOOT and I'm waiting for results, I hope you can help me to know what option I can put so that the system works without problems.
    Thanks and kind regards.

      Carlos said

    Very good, I have a problem with the installation of archlinux in virtual box, I follow all the steps without problem until the installation is finished and when I reboot it, the grub menu should appear but the initial image of the iso appears again, which can to be?? it has not thrown me any error in the installation

         joaco said

      You have to unmount the image, after installing it.

           Carlos said

        Sorry I already disassembled the iso but I get GRUB loading and it never loads the OS,

           Carlos said

        I was able to do it, sorry the trouble was just a matter of disassembling it as soon as I finished the installation
        cas thanks

      Joshua said

    Greetings, very good post. But could you explain a way to install arch together with other operating systems, I currently have Windows 7, Ubuntu and Fedora, and I want to remove Ubuntu to install and test arch, what should I do? Thank you.

    PS: I like to invent a lot XD

         joaco said

      I explain to you. First I recommend you have a minimum of 20 GB of free space, if you can, 30 GB is better. In that space you will make the partitions to install arch.
      I don't know how you will have the partition configuration, but make sure you do that. In general I try to manage the partitions with windows, because it was better for me, but you look.
      Then you simply follow the guide, but you fix the name of the partitions you are making and adapt it to the guide.
      For example in the guide the / boot partition is in / dev / sda1, but because it does not have other systems installed, instead you probably have it in a larger number, for example / dev / sda7.

      Well clarified that, I make some recommendations, do not make the / home partition yourself, it usually stores the files you use daily (documents, music, etc). If you have so many distributions, you should have a single partition where you can save the files and access it from the different distributions. I, for example, only have windows 7 and arch linux at the moment, but I save all files in windows 7 and access the windows partition (disk C, as it is known in windows) from arch linux when I need to listen to music or something like that.

      Another thing that I clarify for you is that, probably you with so many partitions that you have already have the space for primary partitions (maximum four primary partitions are allowed), so you will probably have to create an extended partition (which is also primary) and in she make all the necessary partitions for arch. This has a disadvantage, because it is generally recommended to have the / boot partition on a primary partition. Anyway, without knowing how you set things up, I can't tell you for sure what to do.

      collards said

    Good afternoon,

    Very good article, thanks for detailing the process, although at the moment I have not been able to complete the steps. I am trying to install Archlinux on a Vaio VPCW11S1E. I already installed Archlinux on other machines a while ago. During the process of this installation, the computer goes to sleep after 30-60 seconds. In the Archlinux forums or searching the net I have found a clear explanation for this problem, although it seems that it could be due to an issue related to the graphics card and some modifications that must be made in the /etc/systemd/logind.conf file . But this would already be with the system installed.
    Can anyone give me any coordinates?



    friend I am installing as a virtual machine and I get an error in the logs. never starts, apparent critical error. can you help me?

      Benedict said

    Hello, how are you, thanks for the guide, it is quite good, I had already used it a couple of times and everything was perfect, but today I installed archlinux again on my hp notebook and finishing the installation, by selecting archlinux in grub instead When the login appears to proceed to install the graphical environment, it does not show me anything, only the black screen. I hope you can help me, I already looked in various parts and I did not get a solution, this had already happened to me in manjaro after applying an update.


      Alfred said

    This guide is not updated, it is not 2015, the nano commands do not work, neither does mkinitcpio, everything I did went wrong; thanks Alejandro :)

      heero_yuy91 said

    Excellent guide, I applied it step by step and I already have my beautiful arch installed, thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, I leave you a screenshot of my desktop with plasma 5.3 ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Greetings from the reputation of El Salvador

         heero_yuy91 saidรกnea2.png
      awwwns this is the link ๐Ÿ™‚ little confusion, and thank you again

      cuervo291286 said

    one day I'll install it ๐Ÿ™‚

      heckctor said

    Thank you very much for this quick guide, the process was very fun ๐Ÿ™‚

      Aldo said

    Excellent guidesโ€ฆ Excellent blogโ€ฆ Go โ€‹โ€‹ahead !!!

      Carlos said

    I followed the installation guide and everything seemed fine but after rebooting it only appeared:

    Arch Linux
    Advanced options for Arch Linux

    I chose the first one but it only tells me
    pcname login:โ€ฆ. I don't know what to put here
    and later :
    Password:โ€ฆ. I place the one I chose but it says Incorrect

    Not to do.

         Carlos said

      Or sorry, I just had to put:
      Mynamedepc login: root
      Password: ****** // My password

      joel said

    Hi thanks, good tutorial, I just have a question
    If I want to create 2 partitions the swap and / root so that everything is installed together (boot, root and home) I know that I should mount root but I don't know if I should use the command mkdir / mnt / home and mount / dev / sdax / mnt / home, that is, I just want to know if I should activate swap and mount root only.

      Exors said

    Could you create a guide to install it on a ssd? , they told me that you have to make some changes to the partitions to avoid deterioration

      omg said

    Hello, good day .. hey I am trying to install achilinux 2015 but I am seeing it green at the time of partitioning I get different, #cfdisk - I throw 4 options which are; gpt, dos, sgi, sun, I would like you to support me, I am currently trying to install it in a virtual machine if I succeed in it I will install them on my computers ..

         Juan Carlos Cabrera said

      Hello Omga, look at me, the same thing happened to me since this tutorial does not explain that NEW part that makes up the latest version of Arch, when you get the 4 options to choose the partition when you write cfdisk choose the partition (two) since that partition is the one that gives you the option to mark the / Boot partition as Bootable and the one that gives you the Linux Swap option with the number 82.

      Nobody could explain that to me I asked the same question as you a few months ago in this same post and nobody answered me, I had to start puyar each type of partition until I found the correct one, I hope my answer finds you served useful towards your question.

           Olga said

        Thank you Juan Carlos, for your contribution if I was investigating and could not find, thank you for your Apollo and time to answer., Greetings are appreciated, cordial

             Juan Carlos Cabrera said

          Always at your command, do not hesitate to write and I managed to install Arch perfectly after that partitioning trauma passes without knowing which option to choose. Remember before writing or saving the partitioning the boot partition marks between the options that says bootable.

      You Buntu said

    My congratulations for this guide, which served as a complement to my installation: I changed some points, I did not create the vconsole.conf, locale.conf and 10-keyboard.conf files, and I did all of that with: ยซlocalectl โ€“no- convert set-x11-keymap is pc105 deadtilde, dvorak grp: alt_shift_toggle ยป.
    Also, I use gdisk instead of fdisk and I make 5 partitions, and I don't touch the mkinitcpio.
    For a 20Gb disk:
    sda1: ef02 โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ + 35Mb
    sda2: ef02 โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ + 500Mb / boot
    sda3: 8200 โ€ฆโ€ฆ .. + 4Gb swap
    sda4: 8304 โ€ฆโ€ฆ .. + 10Gb /
    sda5: 8302 โ€ฆโ€ฆ .. + 5'5Gb / home
    Also, when I install the grub I do it using:
    "Grub-install โ€“no-floppy / dev / sda"
    "Grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg"
    And later:
    root -> passwd -> systemctl enable / start dhcpcd.service -> pacman -Syyu -> useradd -m -g users -s / bin / bash (user) -> nano / etc / sudoers -> passwd (user) -> Install graphical environmentโ€ฆ.
    I think that each teacher has his booklet.


      Norberto said

    Of saved with, this is the second time you have installed arcch, and it makes it "a piece of cake".
    Thank you very much.
    P.S. The keyboard is not badly configured, it is the android that hits me every beating ...

      Alejandro Ponce Vega placeholder image said

    Good tutorial, what caught my attention is that I am not the only Alejandro Ponce who likes linux

      I pe! said

    It turns out that I installed it and everything was fine but when starting it asks me alog like this:
    (hostname, which would be step 8) login:
    What am i supposed to write there?
    It doesn't take my username or password and I can't think of anything that goes there.
    Thanks in advance to whoever helps me

      Moses Ogando said

    In my almost 60 years, having installed Arch, Gentoo, and Slackware in one month has given me enormous satisfaction.
    Thank you Alejandro Ponce, rootsudo, Dasgregor ... thank you very much.

      Samuel said

    What is ramdisk and what is it used for? What is Grupo Wheel and what is it used for?

      Ackspim vasnger said

    Hello dear community, I am eager to continue learning with arch linux because I am a beginner.
    The configuration was going great until I had to install grub "grub-install / dev / sda" I get this specifically after processing. "Error: will not proceed with blocklist."
    Please, I make a call to those who know and want to help me to know the error in this situation.

      Ackspim vasnger said

    Hello dear community, I am eager to continue learning with arch linux because I am a beginner.
    The configuration was going great until I had to install grub "grub-install / dev / sda" I get this specifically after processing. "Error: will not proceed with blocklist."
    Please, I make a call to those who know and want to help me to know the error in this situation and continue to continue. Thanks a lot

      Hector Leon said

    Thank you very much for this guide, it is very detailed and easy to follow. You helped me like you don't have an idea!

      Ignacio said

    good, I would like to know how to install arch together with win 7 already installed?

      ice said

    I leave a link on my blog about the installation that I did, I had no problems, I hope it helps

      Alexander Calderon said

    Do you need a partition for / boot?
    Since I don't have it and I don't plan to format my / home.
    Is it possible to install ArchLinux like this? Do the steps change in any way?

      comanshark said

    Excellent Guide. The combination of the Arch Wiki and this one helped me to have a good PC for my common use

      Moses Ogando said

    Hello Alejandroโ€ฆ For the second time I verify that your guide leads to a good port, thank you very much. The first time I installed kde,
    and this time gnome. My surprise was that the terminal does not open. I installed another one and it is perfect, but I would like to find out what happened. The keyboard and language settings all good. Any ideas?
    Thank you again.

      tenthal said

    Good afternoon, I just installed Arch Linux following your tutorial again and decided to install XFCE4 as a graphical environment. At the end of the installation everything seemed to be going well, the only problem I have found so far is that when I want to turn off my pc, nothing happens ... apparently only the monitor turns off but the CPU is still on as if it had been in some kind of loop. I have to use the power button to turn it off "abruptly" I know that is not the right way but I can't find another way to do it. Previously the same thing had happened to me with another pc and I managed to solve the problem only that I did not document how I did it. When logging in to the other pc (I was logging in to a terminal because I installed Archlinux + Openbox) I always enter the command:

    sudo sysctl -p

    and after that comes out:

    kernel .shm max = 128000000
    kernel.sysrq = 1
    kernel.sysrq = 1

    Only if I type that command in the console before logging in or before turning off my pc can I turn it off correctly.

    I already tried to shut it down with the "poweroff", "shutdown" and "halt" commands and the problem persists. Also when trying to change to a virtual console I have problems since a completely black screen appears in the same way and without options to enter a command.
    My username and root have the "power" permissions
    I would appreciate if someone could help me remember what purpose the above mentioned command has and if there is any way to automate it at login time to fix the problem with my recently installed arch + xfce4
    Greetings, good morning and in advance thanks for the help

      Ricardo Rodriguez said

    Excellent guide ...

    I would just add the steps for Bluetooth and voilaโ€ฆ what I like is that it explains what no one else does: INSTALLATION IN LAPTOP !. Everyone explains how to install in Virtual or Desktop Environments. It is the first I see that focuses on Laptopsโ€ฆ THANK YOUโ€ฆ !!! said

    Excellent tutorial brother, I have googled a lot looking for a guide like this, the truth is I do not have much experience in linux, but in the 3 years that I have been a linuxero I have tired of debian, ubuntu and fedora, so far I have not found one that of really satisfy me, I think it's time to try Archlinux. Greetings and thanks for this excellent tutorial ๐Ÿ™‚

      Vidal Rivero Padilla said

    You could change the color of the letters of the commands, because being a white color it is a bit difficult to keep the order of the steps to follow, please

      Joseph said

    Hello, first of all, thank you very much for the guide, it was very useful for me right now I have arch as the main system, but I have a problem, the touchpad responds to me but I cannot click with it, could you put the configuration that the touchpad should have please? Thank you

      Gerardo Silva said

    Excellent tutorial such contribution is appreciated since I had the misfortune of not being able to install it after 5 attempts but with this guide it already runs on a 2007 model laptop perfectly.

      Lavin Wolf said

    I have always thought that this guide is very good and it has never left me stranded, but why don't you use more visible colors for the commands? many of us are blind from using the computer so much: v

      Emi said

    I love the very well explained tutorial, an example of good guides!

      Axel gad said

    Hello! I tried to install arch and windows 10, but I have a problem that is when I use the Cfdisk tool, it takes into account the 2 partitions of Windows 10 (NTFS) as sda1 and 2, that is, when I want to create the partition corresponding to Home it does not It allows it because it tells me that I should replace one of the primary partitions with an extended one which from what I know is because only 4 primary partitions can be created.I would like to know if there is any way to ignore those Windows partitions or still having them there, be able to create the four I need for Linux? I could create Boot and Root as primaries and Home as an extended one, but that would lead me to create Swap within Home.

         Nathan ORT said

      hello, I'm also trying it and apparently what worked for me was to create an extended partition where I put boot, (root) / and the swap partition, after so much research on the network I got to this website from there I got the idea I hope it works

      txuber said

    Hello, after following all the steps once I restart, I get "bootin ... GRUB_" on the screen at the top left and it stays that way. I have already installed 6 times and always the same. From a laptop in legacy mode.
    Anyone having the same problem?