With the terminal: Listening to music with mplayer

There are many ways to play music through the console, as much as to save resources, as out of sheer freakiness. RAE 😛

What I do is play the music with mplayer through the console, and the consumption does not rise from the 2Mb, as simple as that.

$ mplayer /ruta/fichero.ogg

Of course, it would be very tedious to select one by one the songs that we want to listen to. What I do is use programs like Rhythmbox o Banshee to create a playlist. I export it as m3u. Then I use the command:

mplayer -msgcolor -playlist Music/Listas/Banshee_Completo.m3u

the command -msgcolor is to color the information that comes out in the console as seen in the image. If you want to try other options we can resort to «Kills donkeys»:

$ man mplayer

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      isargone said

    Very good trick. I use moc (Music On Console), for me the best player for the console. To install it:
    $ sudo apt-get install moc
    And to launch it:

         elav <° Linux said

      When I don't use mplayer, I use mp3blaster, although in Debian it seems that now it has a Bug that does not recognize the audio card or something like that. Well, I don't know if it only happens to me.

           KZKG ^ Gaara said

        Bug in Debian? … Your super stable distro. Something weird, I'll take a screenshot of this comment 🙂

             elav <° Linux said

          Without wanting to justify anything, I will tell you that you can do whatever you want with the comment. I don't install Debian with the whole desktop environment, but package by package. I may have missed one that influences mp3blaster to detect the sound card.

          However, I can recognize that at some point, I may have a bug out there, especially since I use Testing. So…

               KZKG ^ Gaara said

            Oh come on, don't think I said it with bad intentions lol ... don't be so defensive HAHA.
            Today I'm in a very good mood 😀

             Courage said


         Gonzalo said

      Interesting, there is another entry in this blog dedicated to that program https://blog.desdelinux.net/moc-music-on-console/
      the program's website is https://moc.daper.net

      Courage said

    That freakiness I already imagined it, what happens is that I am quite a detractor of HOYGAN ...

      hypersayan_x said

    Do you want something more geek yet? To play audio with ffmpeg:

    ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -f alsa -ac 2 hw: 0


      sieg84 said

    Now that amarok has an error and when playing any song it closes [to wait for it to be updated], this guide is very useful to me 🙂

      ANT said

    Thank you. It works for me in windows and the color in console2 is nice ...