I am the type of administrator that to check that a certain port is open I rarely think as a first option in Nmap or in nc (although this second is made specifically for that), the years got me used to using telnet.
The problem is that when I access a port using telnet and it is open, well, the port is open ... but then the damn telnet won't let go of me, it won't let me go ... ¬_¬ … No matter how hard I press Ctrl + C I only get a ^ C in the terminal, but no progress to exit.
The solution?
Simple, we must press Ctrl +]… yes yes, Control key and without releasing it we press a closing bracket 😉
CTRL + ]
This will display the terminal or telnet console, in which we write quit and press Enter.
Now that life will be more pleasant for us? 😀
I don't know about you, but I didn't like at all having to close the terminal (or tab) because the damned telnet wouldn't let me go ... now no more, no more telnet tyranny !! (I.e.
Well nothing, it's something simple but damn it helps, enjoy it!
super good, I didn't know that, I always had to close the terminal, thank you very much
A pleasure 😉
I had the same job for a long time, until I realized that the same telnet is saying it every time you connect: Escape character is '^]'
True the same telnet says it xD
I didn't close the console, but it did something just as annoying. I would open another console (or tab), to a ps afx, look for the telnet process that I had open (ps afx | grep telnet) and it would throw a kill ... with this it will save me a lot of time haha, thanks.
I write him bye and enter
Writing in capital letters ...
And voila, you go out ...
I love you
Until someone smart and thinking publishes an article what if it works