How to install Xfce on ArchLinux

I am seriously thinking of trying ArchLinux with Xfce (don't scare me debianites) to see how it behaves. If I can install it (today) then I will do a tutorial on how to configure it step by step.

But if you are already a user of Arch, I leave you the steps to install Xfce without dying in the attempt:

1- To install a basic Xfce, we just have to put in the console:
# pacman -S xfce4

Or if you want an installation in a more specific way:
# pacman -S xfwm4 xfce4-panel xfdesktop thunar xfce4-session xfce4-settings xfce4-appfinder xfce-utils xfconf

2- To install the plugins (goodies) de Xfce we simply run this command:
# pacman -S xfce4-goodies

3- If we want xfce4-mixer work with ALSA, we have to install the following packages:

# pacman -S gstreamer0.10-base-plugins

4- Finally for what Xfce work properly we have to install DBus.

# pacman -S dbus

5- What for Xfce it looks nice we must install the engines gtk:

# pacman -S gtk-engines gtk-engine-murrine gnome-themes-standard

Starting Xfce.

If we don't install any Session manager (Login Manager) like LigthDM or Slim, we started Xfce with the command:
# startxfce4

Or if we want we add it to the file ~ / .xinitrc.

if [ -d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d ]; then
for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
[ -x "$f" ] && . "$f"
unset f

exec ck-launch-session startxfce4

And up to here everything must be "normal" .. More info here.

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      ren said

    jjajajaa until kz gaara convinced you to switch distro. hahaha just kidding xD. I installed it a few days ago but I was not able to start kde because I missed starting the debus daemon, but I only realized after I finished reading the installation guide that I am silly LOL. Perhaps this weekend I will try to install a little more thorough and with less haste.

         elav <° Linux said

      Hahaha I wasn't convinced. I just want to do some tests. For the record, if I don't use Arch (and I've always said it) it's because of the connection situation and so on.

           KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

        I'll figure that out ... if I put Arch repos in local repos and easily accessible to us, will you use Arch? hehe ...

         KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

      You had to add dbus in daemons in rc.conf 😀
      Don't worry, it's not that you're stupid ... you just didn't read well 🙂

      Nothing, you try again and tell us.
      And honestly, I'm just as amazed as you guys… I have no idea why he wants to install Arch HAHAHAHA

           ren said

        If, as I told you this weekend, I will try again there, I'll tell you.

             Courage said

          You can tell us anything, although I also believe that it was that you did not add dbus

      thegoodgeorge said

    How much difference is there in performance between using Arch and Debian Testing, the latter from a minimal installation. Obviously assuming that you use, more or less, the same desktop and applications?

         Courage said

      In terms of managers I think Pacman is much more efficient than Apt, for example

           Edward2 said

        The dark site of the force is stronger!

         elav <° Linux said

      It's exactly what I'm trying to find out 😀

           Edward2 said

        Elva, I say Elav stay away from pacman while you can, once you try it you won't want to leave it 😀

      Courage said

    Or if we want we add it to the file ~ / .xinitrc.
    #! / Bin / sh

    if [-d /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d]; then
    for f in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/*; do
    [-x "$ f"] &&. "$ F"
    set f

    exec ck-launch-session startxfce4

    Elva, I say elav, you can skip this step, let's say for example that you are going to use Gdm:

    pacman -S gdm

    We modify the boot

    nano /etc/inittab

    We leave the following line like this:

    # Boot to console
    # Boot to X11

    And this one like that

    #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
    x:5:respawn:/usr/sbin/gdm -nodaemon
    #x:5:respawn:/opt/kde/bin/kdm -nodaemon

    We added the gdm and dbus daemons

    nano /etc/rc.conf

    DAEMONS=(... gdm dbus)

    Xinitrc's fear can screw up the ~ issue, many times it doesn't come out or if it comes out the file is empty

         elav <° Linux said

      Couñaje, I mean, Courage, thank you very much for the tip .. One question What if we use LightDM?

           Courage said

        I don't know LightDM, but look at the Wiki

        Gambling I would say that it is to add a line in the part of

        #x:5:respawn:/usr/bin/xdm -nodaemon
        x:5:respawn:/usr/sbin/gdm -nodaemon
        #x:5:respawn:/opt/kde/bin/kdm -nodaemon

         Edward2 said

      Courage does not need to put gdm in the daemon's

      my demons (syslog-ng dbus networkmanager netfs crond)

           Courage said

        Fuck those around you will be up to your eggs, always criticizing HAHAHAHA

             Edward2 said

          It did not criticize, it only clarified that it is not necessary to put gdm in daemons, just editing / etc / inittab is enough. You can't take the fight and I didn't mess with you.

               Courage said

            Don't talk to me so you hurt my few feelings buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa buaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

            I wanted to fuck, nothing more

           KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

        Exactly, no GDM / KDM is needed in the daemons ... just configuring the inittab well, nothing else 😉

      Alez said

    And isn't it easier (at least for a beginner) to use rc.conf, put lightdm or slim there, and boot xfce4 that way? If you use slim you have to configure the .xinitrc which is what it will read when booting. According to the wiki (in my Arch days I configured it like this and it worked perfect) to avoid errors you can change the slim configuration by putting login_cmd exec ck-launch-session / bin / bash -login ~ / .xinitrc% session
    in slim.conf and keeping xinitrc as simple as possible. I don't know if lightdm is already in the repos, I think it's simpler because you don't have to use xinitrc (I'm not sure about this)
    In any case, everything is on the wiki! And to enjoy xfce in Arch, for my taste one of the best combinations that exist. Without forgetting to use xfwm-tiliing which works great!

    PS dbus should go before gdm in rc.conf, I think.

         Courage said

      PS dbus should go before gdm in rc.conf, I think.

      I have it as I have put it and it goes well

      And isn't it easier (at least for a beginner) to use rc.conf, put lightdm or slim there, and boot xfce4 that way?

      It is not enough if you want it to load automatically

      <° Linux said

    How do I get a graphical Archlinux installation guide? Someone give me a cable.

         Courage said

      http: /

           Edward2 said

        This guide is out of date, with gnome 3 there are too many daemons alsa hal fam gdm and the dbus and the fuse module are missing.

        And I have courage you should throw a guide with pictures and everything installing kde, the sandy one from xfce or elav and I from gnome 😀

             Courage said

          It's not a bad idea, we should talk about it by mail or something with him and if they let me publish it I would publish it directly

               Edward2 said

            a while ago I had an installation guide from 0, but the photos of each step. I pass like the sandy one, I started to invent with grub2 without reading well and on my machine, eh, recommend me the best current virtual machine and I start doing the guide this weekend.

                 KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

              VirtualBox, nothing better 🙂

               Courage said

            I have only used Virtualbox.

            When you have it, let the sandy one know and let him tell me

               is said

            Greetings, I know that the issue is old, but I just installed arch and when connecting some usb it recognizes it but it does not let me see it says that it could not be mounted Not authorized to perform operation. The same goes for the cdrom. What I can do. I have storage and wheel in my user and everything. See if you can help me.

                 KZKG ^ Gaara said

              Try adding it to the adm and disk group to see.

             KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

          Nah I'm not good for making detailed guides HAHAHAHAHA

               Courage said

            Come on, it's not such a big deal, use as a guide to make a detailed guide of mine to ArchBang from uL

         KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

      LOL!!!! HAHAHA!!!!

      Oscar said

    Courage, I'm very, very intrigued, I need, if possible, to clarify me because KZKG ^ Gaara you call gritty.

         elav <° Linux said

      Hahahaha another who has not seen Naruto. Nothing happens, I'll explain. There is a Manga series called Naruto where one of the characters is the leader of The Sand Village, and his name is Kazekage Gaara. Our dear friend has that nick: KZKGGaara, although in reality it should have been KCKGGaara, but anyway.

           KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

        Error ... it does not have to be KCKG because it is NOT for pronunciation, it is for CONSONANTS, do you see any C's in KaZeKaGe? 😉

             Oscar said

          Do not try to accommodate it, you just asked for it, you only have to put up with it, hahahahahaha.

               KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

            HAHAHAHAHA hey by the way, I have (we actually have) a proposal, in case you want to give us a little hand with the site, believe me, you would help us a lot 😀
            Write me an email 😉

         Edward2 said

      Eh the copyright of sandy has my name 😀

           Courage said

        That's right, I should have asked you, not me

      kik1n said

    Good for installing Arch.
    You can also try Lxde. Lighter, cute.

    Once you enter the Arch world, you will never get out.

         elav <° Linux said

      I'm already inside .. Let's see how long it lasts for me 😀

           Oscar said

        And that using Chrome, does it come in the Arch repositories?

             Edward2 said

          In the Officials this Chromium, in AUR you have a wide variety to install Chrome

          * google chrome 15.0.874.121
          * google-chrome-beta 16.0.912.41
          * google-chrome-dev 17.0.942.0

      Edward2 said

    Well, I already have a lot of photos of the base installation iosa curious thing they say is the most difficult, but I already know it by heart 😀 and then I install gnome 3 and then I have to put the text 😀 and the explanation. Eh, how are you doing with your parts?

    Courage stayed in the kde

    sandy or elva will do the xfce guide. (well this was my idea and they have not confirmed)

         elav <° Linux said

      Well, once you know how to work with the installer, everything is easier, it's not really that complicated .. Ahh and Elva says that she doesn't have any Xfce tutorial for you.

         KZKG ^ Gaara <"Linux said

      Elav will (or did, I'm not clear), but… me Xfce? HAHA no joke HAHA.

      Nicochee said

    hi can someone give me a hand, i'm trying to install on a virtual machine arch + xfce with gdm manager i already installed the xorg metapackage, install gdm, add the dbus daemon (at the end of everything in the list) install xfce and xfce-goodies but When I start the machine everything starts very well but when I should run the section start manager I get a black screen and a weird medium pointer as if it were a ball
    Thank you
    ps: i am actually quite a beginner but i wanted to try arch out of curiosity

      EAT WITH said

    Good tutorial!
    But the button wheel doesn't work for me in XFCE or LXDE ...