Distros of the Linuxverse: News of Week 01 of the year 2025
To this Week 1, first of the year 2025 (29/12/24 to 04/01/25) in the LinuxverseWe offer you our timely and customary weekly summary of the news contained in the various news of releases of Distributions based on Linux and BSD. Such as, the Ditana, Gnoppix and Kumander Distributions, which we will highlight today during this week.
And as you know, many of these release news we bring directly from the websites of «DistroWatch, OS.Watch y FOSS Torrent». While, from the website of «Archive OS» We mentioned at the end the announcements about the recovery and dissemination of ISO files of discontinued GNU/Linux Distros. In addition, many of these recent versions may already be available on the website of «DistroSea» for your review and evaluation. So, without further ado, we will now address the releases of the «GNU/Linux Distros of the Linuxverse for Week 1 of the year 2025».
Distros of the Linuxverse: News of Week 52 of the year 2024
But, before starting to comment on each of the new features related to these new releases of GNU/Linux Distros that have happened in the «Linuxverse during Week 1 of the year 2025 », we recommend you explore a previous related post with this same series of publications, at the end of it:
Linuxverse distros updated during Week 1 of 2025
Ditana 0.9.0 Beta
- Official Web site
- Official launch announcement: January 2, 2025.
- Download Links: Ditana 0.9.0 Beta
- Featured news: This new update called "Ditana 0.9.0 Beta" includes interesting features among its current features for this version, such as: A Flexible installer that offers a series of dialogs that guide users very well through the installation process, extensive customization ranging from kernel parameter selection to desktop environment configuration, and an optimized XFCE desktop environment with pre-installed improvements such as a “Dock-like Taskbar”. And finally, a Modular structure, allowing Ditana to be separated into individual Arch packages, allowing for easy maintenance and customization. In addition, it includes very complete and detailed Documentation.
Ditana is an Arch-based GNU/Linux distribution aimed at educated enthusiasts interested in optimizing their workflows, exploring Linux, and maintaining a secure computing environment. With a single ISO image, Ditana offers the choice between desktop and headless installations. Ditana GNU/Linux combines flexibility, ease of use, and advanced security features. As such, it offers a system optimized for both desktop and headless installations, with a focus on performance and user control. About Ditana
Gnoppix 24.12.15 and Gnoppix 25.1 KDE
- Official Web site
- Official launch announcement: January 1 y January 4 of 2025.
- Download Links: gnoppix 24.12.15 y Gnoppix 25.1 KDE.
- Featured news: This new update called "Gnoppix 24.12.15" includes interesting and useful improvements, changes and fixes, among which the following stand out: An improved sIn-kernel display support now ensures perfect display rendering at 5120x1440x240 resolutions, and the implementation of AutoFDO for enthusiasts via the advanced Cachy-optimized AutoFDO Kernel available in the repository as “linux-cachyos-autofdo”. While, the update called “Gnoppix 25.1 KDE” includes some like: A fully featured Arch Linux base, KDE Plasma 6.2.5, the Linux Kernel 6.12.6, support for Wayland or X11, support and compatibility for Windows apps and games, privacy and security patches, a one-click VPN (WireGuard), BTRF and DoH by default. Finally, a bunch of AI tools that install with one click.
Gnoppix is a rolling release distribution designed for penetration testing and reverse engineering with a focus on Web Applications and access gaining. It is optimized to protect your digital rights. But, although it is focused on security, it can also be used as a normal desktop. Therefore, it is considered a free and open operating system focused on improving online privacy and security for average or basic users. About Gnoppix
Kumander Linux 2.0 RC1
- Official Web site
- Official launch announcement: January 1, 2025.
- Download Links: Kumander Linux 2.0 RC1
- Featured news: For this new update called “Kumander Linux 2.0 RC1” there are no official updates to the improvements, changes and fixes included. However, unofficially it is known that the new version is based on Debian 12.7 and XFCE 4.18. In addition, it contains numerous updates compared to the previous version, such as a new system manager application, 28 ready-to-use languages on top of LibreOffice, custom updates to the XFCE user interface, among others.
Kumander is a free and open source operating system based on GNU/Linux that seeks to mimic the visual appearance of Microsoft Windows 7. In order to bring back the beautiful colored icons, the beautiful backgrounds and the most appropriate software. Maintaining good ease of use, openness and simplicity necessary, so that it is always the user who has full control. About Kumander
Other interesting Distros from the Linuxverse updated in week 1 of 2025
And so as not to leave any out, it is also worth mentioning the official announcement of other well-known GNU/Linux Distros releases during this period of time:
On DistroWatch, OS.Watch and FOSS Torrent
- Porteus 5.1-alpha: January 4.
- Archcraft 2025.01.03: January 3.
- Berry 1.40: January 3.
- Calculate 20250102: January 3.
- KDE neon 20250102: January 2.
- Arch 2025.01.01: January 1.
- Dr.Parted 25.01: January 1.
- Bluestar 6.12.7: December 29th.
Archive OS
In short, we hope that this first post (week 1) of this series dedicated to «News from the Linuxverse Distros for each week of the year 2025 » We hope you liked it and found it useful, both informatively and technically. Especially regarding the latest releases from the Ditana, Gnoppix and Kumander Distributions, which we have highlighted today.
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