Distros of the Linuxverse: News of Week 2 of the year 2025
To this Week 2, second of the year 2025 (05/01/25 to 11/01/25) in the LinuxverseWe offer you our timely and customary weekly summary of the news contained in the various News about the release of distributions based on Linux, BSD and others. Such as the Tails, Pop!_OS and Alpine Linux distributions, which we will highlight this week.
And as you know, many of these release news we bring directly from the websites of «DistroWatch, OS.Watch y FOSS Torrent». While, from the website of «Archive OS» We mentioned at the end the announcements about the recovery and dissemination of ISO files of discontinued GNU/Linux Distros. In addition, many of these recent versions may already be available on the website of «DistroSea» for your review and evaluation. So, without further ado, we will now address the releases of the «Linuxverse distros for Week 2 of 2025».
Distros of the Linuxverse: News of Week 01 of the year 2025
But, before starting to comment on each of the new developments related to these new releases of Distros *Linux, *BSD and others, which have happened in the «Linuxverse during Week 2 of the year 2025 », we recommend you explore a previous related post with this same series of publications, at the end of it:
Linuxverse distros updated during Week 2 of 2025
Tails 6.11
- Official Web site
- Official launch announcement: January 9, 2025.
- Download Links: Tails 6.11
- Featured news: This new update called "Tails 6.11" includes interesting features among its current features for this version, such as: The solution to a flaw in which an attacker could permanently install malicious software due to a vulnerability in the Tails Upgrader application; the solution to a flaw in which an attacker could exploit vulnerabilities in other applications that could lead to deanonymization or monitoring of browsing activity on the device. Onion Tours (for information about Tor circuits and how to close them), Unsafe Browser (to connect to the Internet without going through Tor), Tor Browser (to monitor your browsing activity) and Tor Connection (to reconfigure or block your connection to the Tor network); and the fix for a flaw where an attacker could change the persistent storage settings. Lastly, among many others, it now includes new features such as: detection and warning of partitioning errors, the update of the Tor Browser (14.0.4) and Thunderbird Mail Manager (128.5.0es) and the removal of support for hardware wallets with Electrum..
Tails is a portable operating system that seeks to protect its users from surveillance, censorship, advertising and viruses. This, above all, thanks to the use of the Tor network, and by making it easier for users to turn off any computer and start Tails from any USB memory in order to avoid leaving traces on the used computer after it has been used and turned off. Additionally, Tails includes a selection of applications for working on confidential documents and communicating securely. In Tails everything is ready to use through a secure default configuration. About Tails
Pop!_OS 24.04 Alpha 5
- Official Web site
- Official launch announcement: January 9, 2025.
- Download Links: pop-os_24.04_amd64_intel_14.iso y pop-os_24.04_amd64_nvidia_14.iso.
- Featured news: This new update called «Pop!_OS 24.04 Alpha 5», includes interesting features among its current features for this version, some such as: The inclusion of a preliminary version of the COSMIC media player, which is the default Cosmic media player and uses Vulkan for rendering and Vaapi for decoding (when available) for efficient video playback, while it is expected to include support for audio playback in the near future. Finally, among many others, it now allows you to cycle through open applications with the Alt+Tab or Super+Tab keys, so that applications are alternated in the order in which they were last active; and includes a new settings page that shows all user accounts created for the system, making it easier to manage.
Pop!_OS is an operating system based on a Linux Distribution based on Ubuntu featuring a highly customized GNOME desktop, currently called Cosmic Desktop. In addition, It is designed to have a minimum number of items on a desk without distractions to allow the user to concentrate on work. The distribution is developed by Linux computer retailer System76. In addition, it is an ideal operating system for professionals in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and creativity, who use their computer as a tool to discover and create. About Pop! _OS
Alpine Linux 3.21.1
- Official Web site
- Official launch announcement: January 8, 2025.
- Download Links: Alpine Linux 3.21.1
- Featured news: This new update called «Alpine Linux 3.21.1» and its subsequent and most recent update called «Alpine Linux 3.21.2», include interesting current features, among which are some such as: The addition of a security update for Python 3.12.8, and the addition of the CVE-2024-12254 patch for the same software, enabling of the loongarch64 architecture for monado software, and updating of the Chrome Browser (131.0.6778.204) and YT-DLP (2024.12.23). Lastly, among many others, it now includes enabled support for PCIE, DRM, PMIC and Sound on Rockchip SOCs; and enabled support for Qemu Guests on the Riscv64 architecture.
Alpine Linux is an independent, non-commercial, general-purpose Linux distribution designed for advanced users who appreciate security, simplicity, and resource efficiency.. Which is usually translated as, it is an ultra-lightweight and security-oriented Linux-based operating system, whose software is compiled using Musl instead of the GNU C library (Libc) and implements OpenRC as a boot system. And what is more, it replaces the GNU tools with Busybox, which is a single executable capable of emulating the operation of all of them. About Alpine Linux
Other interesting Distros from the Linuxverse updated in week 2 of 2025
And so as not to leave any out, it is also worth mentioning the official announcement of other well-known GNU/Linux Distros releases during this period of time:
On DistroWatch, OS.Watch and FOSS Torrent
- Endless 6.0.5: January 10.
- KDE neon 20250109: January 9.
- Venom 20250108: January 8.
- Openmamba 20250108: January 8.
- Easy OS 6.5.4: January 8.
- CRUX 3.8-rc3: January 7.
- CentOS 10-20250106: January 7.
- Bluestar 6.12.8: January 5.
Archive OS
- Unixware: January 10.
- Absolute: January 8.
- UNIX System III: January 6.
In short, we hope that this second post (week 2) of this series dedicated to «News from the Linuxverse Distros for each week of the year 2025 » I hope you liked it and found it useful, both informatively and technically. Especially regarding the latest releases of the Tails, Pop!_OS and Alpine Linux distributions, which we have highlighted today.
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