Testing ghostBSD

How about, it is natural that when someone starts up in GNU / Linux, they suffer from versionitis, there are those who do not. Me…

how to

How to enable hybrid sleep

Between the possibilities of suspending and hibernating, there is an intermediate one, which consists of first suspending, and if after a while ...

Linux for Dummies.

Linux for Doomies is a presentation that I am working on for a project that we boys carry out in my city ...


Some tips for LXDE

LXDE is an excellent Desktop Environment that, as many of us know, offers as its main feature, an excellent use of ...

Gedit ready to use

Gedit… for programmers

Some time ago I had talked about Sublime-text, a very, very complete text editor, and its many functionalities….

LightScribe on Linux

LightScribe (in Spanish «Escritura por Luz (laser)») is a technology developed by HP and LiteOn designed to label the front ...

How to clear the Linux cache

Your computer doesn't have a lot of available memory? Once you start opening a lot of programs, does it start to run smoothly? Okay,…

Free social networks

If we talk about social networks, we talk about privacy and neutrality. On the one hand, nobody guarantees that your data will remain ...

USB devices do not recognize me

How to repair a USB stick

Generally, the main problem with USB memory is that the partition table can be damaged or they can be ...

Linux distributions for kids

There is no better way to promote Linux and tear down some of its myths (such as its extreme complexity, etc.) ...