I have created version 0.1 of a simple bash Script to restart and restore the session Xfce at our whim. You can download it from this link.
El Script allows us to make a backup of the configuration files and later restore it. The instructions are as follows:
1- We open a terminal and put:
$ wget -c http://paste.desdelinux.net/paste/?dl=43
$ mv index.html\?dl\=43 Perfil_Xfce.sh
$ chmod +x Perfil_Xfce.sh
$ ./Perfil_Xfce.sh
After executing each operation, we must exit the session and re-enter.
ChangeLog version 0.1
- Allows you to make a backup copy, which you host in ~ / .xfce4_saves /
- Allows you to restore the settings.
Known issues.
Restoring the settings loads everything as before except the panel settings. Apparently these are stored in some type directory Skeleton outside of / Home.
Good to have this on hand, it reminds me of when I wanted to reappear the bar in gnome 🙂
Is this script used to leave the xfce configuration as just installed? I ask it because if so, it was useful to me in case I modify something and do not return to the previous point. I don't know if you remember it, but we already mentioned something similar in another post ... The system of deleting hidden files was good for me
Thinking about that entry was the reason why I made this script. You can use it for what I told you in that post .. 😀
Fantastic!! I'll keep it safe, thank you a billion!