If you already downloaded Linux Mint 12, I inform you that the own Clement lefebvre shows us how to perform certain Tips to modify the experience of MGSE y MATE. Let's see what they are.
Switch to a single panel at the top.
As many users may have seen, MGSE by default it gives us 2 panels (similar to Gnome2) but if we want, we can only use a panel on the back more in the style of Gnome Shell.
First, we disable the bottom panel:
- In the menu, we execute the tool «Advanced Preferences».
- select "Shell Extensions" or "Shell Extensions".
- We seek »Bottom panel extension» (Bottom Panel Extension) and we disable it.
Then we reboot Gnome Shell:
- We push "Alt F2".
- We wrote «R» And we pressed Enter.
Use the panel, menu and list of dark colored windows.
Now Linux Mint 12 we have two themes for gnome-shell: Mint-Z y Mint-Z-Black. The latter is the one that came by default in Lisa's RC. By default, it is now activated Mint-Z which has gray or silver tones (depends on the eye that is seen) 😀
To switch between them or choose other themes:
- Let's go to the tool «Advanced Settings» on the menu.
- Click on «Themes» (Theme).
- We change the value of "Shell Theme" for the subject that we want.
Quick view of files.
Linux Mint 12 includes an application called "Sushi", which is nothing more than a file viewer for Nautilus, which supports Images, Music, Video, Documents, PDF… etc. If I'm not mistaken it must be something like Globebus Preview, since to use it, we place ourselves on the file and press the «Space Bar»To view it.
Install MATE from the CD version.
To use MATE we simply have to install the package "Mint-meta-mate".
Solution when MATE panel disappears.
There are still some themes gtk that are incompatible with MATE. If this happens consider using two themes that work perfectly:
- Mint-Z-Matte
- Carbon
Mate consumes 100% of the CPU.
It is for the same reason that the panels disappear, because some Gtk themes are not supported, once again, consider using these two:
- Mint-Z-Matte
- Carbon
The question of the century is how to disable the Gnome panel? in order to keep only the Mint panel.
I've been testing Gnome 3 with Fedora 16 for a week, but there's no way.
I tested this version of Mint to see if it is recommended for new users. Since for me I am satisfied with stable Debian + gnome 2 on my PC and Xubuntu on my netbook.
Good question. I do not think it is possible, and if it is, it must be a well hidden option.
You can log in by mate, which is the classic gnome 2 menu
Very good advice to put everything on the top menu.
Do you know if the MGSE function that makes that menu open when I put the mouse pointer over the upper left corner can be disabled in some way? It's silly, but I can't find anywhere how to disable it.
Regards and thanks for everything.
Greetings Gorka:
I don't think you can, at least with MGSE. That function is brought by Gnome-Shell natively so things get complicated.
The idea of using gnome is due to the versatility of the panels ……. In the previous ones I could put the network monitor, the crasher, the weather forecast, the window manager, the mail notifier, all within reach of a single click, this 12 has a Unity without the side dock! (Unity was the reason why I left Ubuntu and installed a debian 6) then when reading in all the posts that gnome had I decided to try Mint and I find that it has the same problem as ubuntu a couple of panels that are nothing more than two useless gray bars for everything, except occupying space and a trimmed unity ……….
Anyway, I am totally disappointed, I thought that mint was a corrected edition of ubuntu
(corrected for a consistent use, eliminating unity, which precisely caused a massive exodus of users to other systems)
I will continue with Debian 6
Welcome flaviosan:
And how are you doing with Debian 6?
I miss my dear Gnome 2. I think Gnome has taken the wrong path, many users who do not want to complicate our lives abandon Ubuntu due to Unity, to now find a desktop similar to the one from which we have fled and with little or almost no possibility customization.
Gnome 2 was the configurable desktop paradigm for the user on foot, and now, with 3, we have become a wayward and rebellious bug.
I do not doubt that this type of scrtoria can be comfortable for mobile phones, netbooks and other fauna of that style, but for PCs and laptops, definitely not.
Gentlemen of Ubuntu, LinuxMint and Gnome please try to think like your average user, if not you are sadly killing Linux.
Hello and welcome 😀
I don't think they are actually killing Linux, there are many more options ... Mate (fork of Gnome2), KDE, Xfce, and many more ... not everything is summarized in Unity and Gnome3
Try Linux Mint Debian Edition LMDE. There you have EVERYTHING as you want, starting with Compiz. It's unpleasant hair, but as soon as you configure it, you don't go back to Gnome3 until you see what they will do in LMDE. (It's a rolling release version).
Very good advice, without hesitation so far, the best distro I tried ...
How about, I had many problems in configuring and customizing Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 and in 11.10 I lost the graphical environment and I could no longer access it, so I chose to install the linux mint 12 lisa since I looked in many forums and they handled It works very well, and personally I am not an expert at all if it seems fine to me, the only thing that I have not been able to do is that the menus are black and all that of customization, since when I access advanced settings in Shell extensions does not give me any option to choose from and in the same way in theme in the part of shell theme it does not display the menu and in fact where is the option shell theme appears a symbol in the form of a triangle with an exclamation mark in its interior and I imagine that there must be some error, and that is what I would like to correct, I don't know if someone can guide me, with the shell extensions that do not appear and the shell theme that appears with a symbol and does not give me option either, and I don't see that much They use debian, I would like to know what advantages it has, thank you. Likewise, if you want, you can send me information via e-mail.