The LinuxBlogger TAG: Linux Post Install by DesdeLinux

The LinuxBlogger TAG: Linux Post Install by DesdeLinux

The LinuxBlogger TAG: Linux Post Install by DesdeLinux

A couple of years ago, here in Desde Linux, we have published our first and second linux tribute, as a humble contribution and small support, for all those linux content creators on YouTube, That is, the linuxtubers.

Since then, we have noted with great pleasure that the Community of Spanish-speaking LinuxTubers has grown a lot, and is very more active and united, because they know each other better, and collaborate more with each other. Although, from time to time, they also argue and fight a bit, like "typical" linuxeros What are they.

LinuxTubers 2022: The most well-known and interesting Linux YouTubers

LinuxTubers 2022: The most well-known and interesting Linux YouTubers

And, before starting today's topic related to the «LinuxBlogger TAG» about me, Linux Post Install Desde Linux, we will leave the following related entries for later reading:

LinuxTubers 2022: The most well-known and interesting Linux YouTubers
Related article:
LinuxTubers 2022: The most well-known and interesting Linux YouTubers
Hispano-American Linuxero Tribute: From Bloggers to Vloggers
Related article:
Hispano-American Linuxero Tribute: From Bloggers to Vloggers

The LinuxBlogger TAG in DesdeLinux

The LinuxBlogger TAG in DesdeLinux

About the LinuxBlogger TAG

A good example of what was previously mentioned about the Most Popular Spanish-Speaking LinuxTubersAre the current YouTube video series who publish, called The LinuxTuber TAG.

Series of videos, where they tell us through a series of questions, about his life, knowledge, anecdotes and impressions related with the GNU / Linux world. and that they end, inviting other LinuxTubers to continue the challenge.

And, although personally, I am not a LinuxTuber, I have decided to approach the challenge from the perspective of the LinuxBloggers. So here I leave this «LinuxBlogger TAG» about me, Linux Post Install DesdeLinux.

Who is Linux Post Install DesdeLinux?

Who is Linux Post Install DesdeLinux?

The 10 most relevant points about me and my relationship with DesdeLinux are:

  1. Real name: Joseph Albert.
  2. Age: 48.
  3. País de origen: Venezuela.
  4. Profession: Informatics Engineer.
  5. Personal website: Tic Tac Project.
  6. Year of beginning in the use of GNU/Linux: 2006.
  7. GNU/Linux distros used over time: Knoppix, OpenSuse, Ubuntu, Mint, Debian and MX.
  8. Start date as Content Writer at DesdeLinux: January 2016.
  9. Number of articles written in Desde Linux /Ubunlog: More than 1000 and more than 360.
  10. Linux related professional training: Integrated Linux Administration – Level I in 2014, Certified Linux Operator (CLO) in 2014 and Certified Linux Administrator (CLA) in 2015.
  11. IT professional positions held: Imaging device technician (Microfilms, Photocopiers, Printers and Plotters), Telephone Technician, Communication Server Specialist (Siemens/Panasonic Telephone Switchboards), Telephone Charging Systems Analyst, User Technical Support Specialist, Server Administrator, Technical Support Coordinator, General Director of Technology, Creator of digital content (Articles in Blogs, podcasts and videos on YouTube) and currently, Computer Science Teacher.

The 10 questions of the TAG

The 10 questions of the TAG

What inspires you to create content about Linux, and the Linuxverse in general?

From a very young age, I have loved reading and writing, learning and teaching. Above all, what has to do directly with Informatics and Computing, computers and their Operating Systems, especially GNU/Linux, as well as Free Software and Open Source. Consequently, since I was young, and on various websites, I have generated and shared Linux and non-Linux technological content. Thus, contributing my little grain of sand in favor of this field and its great world community, learning and teaching, through practical and useful articles, both technical and informative.

How have you promoted the use of GNU/Linux?

Firstly writing articles, guides, tutorials and manuals, both online for the general public, as well as for the organizations where I have worked. Which also includes training (training) for technical personnel. Also, I have created a few small GUI/CLI apps for GNU/Linux using the Bash Shell. And currently, I share my own Linux Respin called MilagrOS, with the entire Linux community to which I have access.

What GNU/Linux Distro do you like the most?

I have been a Linux user who has used few Distros in his life, but in terms of Servers and Desktop Computers I have almost always been using Debian and Ubuntu, while currently I only use MX Linux at home, and Ubuntu and Mint at Work (Laboratory Teacher). So far, MX is the one I have liked the most, because it meets my IT needs on my current hardware, efficiently, while saving me many hours/labor by allowing me to create a custom, live, portable and installable of my operating system.

What good memory do you have related to the Linuxverse?

In these 17 years, there have been many, both personally and professionally, my social environment basically revolves around the use and promotion of GNU/Linux. Therefore, I have had to participate and interact with many people, known and unknown, both online and in person. And consequently, there have been many good memories of that intense journey. But, basically to this day, my best memories come from my daily sharing with other Linux users, both on my own Telegram channel and on those of third parties.

What bad memory do you have related to the Linuxverse?

In these 17 years, I only remember one bad incident and moment in my Linux life, which deserves a video response from me, and it was about a year ago (August 2023), when a young and self-taught YouTuber from the Linuxverse involuntarily made a video full of lies and misrepresentations about my person and work, with indecent and deeply inflammatory language, to generate views and Monetize your content. Just as he has been doing for a long time with other content and software creators in the Linuxverse, to publicize his Channel and Distro. Because of this, many know him for being very angry, controversial and negative, due to his emotional explosions when he is contradicted or criticized, and his hate speech against many technologies and projects, free, open and modern, created by IT Professionals, Communities, Organizations and Companies around the world. Which honors the name of his Channel: Locos por Linux (@LocosporLinux).

5 Programs that nowadays cannot be missing in a GNU/Linux Distro?

  1. LibreOffice
  2. Firefox
  3. GIMP
  4. A Software Store with support for Flatpak, Snap and AppImage, like GNOME Software.
  5. A good maintenance and optimization manager, like Stacer and Bleachbit.

And for those who see them as essential, useful or fun, the following NO apps: Bottles, Flatseal, PortWine, Steam, VirtualBox, RustDesk, Telegram, Scrcpy, Conky Manager and Compiz Fusion.

If you could change something for the general good of the community, what would it be?

More than changing, it would be increasing. That is to say, it would increase the collaborative spirit among all, since most are only consumer users of GNU/Linux Distros. And more users are needed, content producers and application developers, and others who contribute more resources, through donations or the payment of free and open applications, but not free.

What Top 20 Spanish-speaking LinuxTubers channels do you recommend to learn about the Linuxverse?

  1. Busy – [Spain] – @atareao
  2. Linux Cumpi – [Argentina] – @CumpiLinux
  3. DistrictTux – [Chile] – @distritotux
  4. DriveMeca – [Colombia] – @DriveMec
  5. Edward Medina – [Spain] – @EduardoMedinaEdlinks
  6. Mario's Penguin – [Spain] – @ElPinguinoDeMario
  7. The Systems Girl – [Argentina] – @lachicadesistemas
  8. The Resilient Heron - [Argentina] - @LaGarzaResistente
  9. Last Dragon – [Mexico] – @lastdragonmx
  10. LibreByte – [Unknown] – @LibreByte
  11. Linux at Home – [Colombia] – @LinuxenCasa
  12. Wandering Linux – [Spain] – @Linuxeroerrante
  13. LinuxChad – [Spain] – @LinuxChad
  14. Nestor Alfonso Portela Rincon – [Colombia] – @Nestux091
  15. JAD Duck – [Argentina] – @PatoJAD
  16. Stripped Nerd – [Argentina] – @PeladoNerd
  17. Professor Carlos Leal – [Nicaragua] – @ProfeCarlosLeal
  18. Geek Salmorejo – [Spain] – @SalmorejoGeek
  19. Voro MV – [Spain] – @VOROMV
  20. Zathiel – [Mexico] – @CallMeZatiel
Can you live on Linux as LinuxTuber in the year 2023 and beyond?
Related article:
Can you live on Linux as LinuxTuber in the year 2023 and beyond?

Aside from GNU/Linux, what other IT content do you like to produce and consume?

To produce, I like content related to:

  • Blockchain and DeFi technology.
  • The Android operating system and its applications.
  • The use and solution of problems in social networks

To consume, I like content related to:

  • Astronomy and Aeronautics.
  • Quantum Physics and Philosophy.
  • Mystery Science and the Study of intelligent non-human life forms.

What funny anecdote, related to GNU/Linux, can you tell?

Among the last ones that I have experienced and enjoyed, have been some related to the creation of Linux IT Memes, of which I have generated, to this day, around 1000; and collected around 600 from unknown third parties. Sharing them in Telegram groups and Facebook Communities has been a pleasant, satisfying and very fun experience; full of funny moments and a great reception from the majority who see them.

What advice would you give to someone who writes content about GNU/Linux?

A useful advice would be to take care and improve the spelling and the originality of the content, through the use of browser add-ons or online tools. And, that they learn and apply «SEO» techniques, so that the content created reaches the greatest possible number of people, through better positioning in the results of Internet Search Engines.

24 YouTube Channels dedicated to the Linuxverse: Top for 2024
Related article:
24 YouTube Channels dedicated to the Linuxverse: Top for 2024

LinuxBlogger invited to continue with the TAG

LinuxBlogger invited to continue with the TAG

To conclude, I invite the LinuxBlogger Diego Germán González, from Linux Adictos or any other LinuxBlogger from any website, to continue with said great challenge and beautiful linux initiative, in the field of LinuxBloggers, just as they do linuxtubers.

Bloggers: Professionals of the Future
Related article:
Bloggers: Professionals of the Future. Among many others!
Informatics and Computing: The Passion of a JedIT!
Related article:
Informatics and Computing: The Passion of a JedIT!

Roundup: Banner post 2021


In summary, I hope that this small article related to the theme of the «LinuxBlogger TAG» and focused on my person, Linux Post Install Desde Linux, allow a higher level of trust and brotherhood, between you, our readers and visitors, frequent and occasional; myself, as a humble Linux and technological content creator; Y Desde Linux, One Free Software, Open Source and GNU/Linux Blogs oldest and most reliable Spanish speaking worldwide.

Lastly, remember that you can visit the «homepage» in Spanish from Desde Linux. Or, in any other language (just by adding 2 letters to the end of our current URL, for example: ar, de, en, fr, ja, pt and ru, among many others) to learn more current content. Additionally, we invite you to join the Official Telegram channel to read and share more news, guides and tutorials from around the web. And also, the next Alternative Telegram channel to learn more about the Linuxverse in general.

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      Angel J Romero said

    Excellent I love it!!

         Linux PostInstall said

      Greetings, Angel. Thank you for your comment, and it is a pleasure that you liked this format or topic of publication.

      darkcrizt said

    I find the “How?” quite interesting. or the “What?” It leads the majority of Linux users who share content to start by sharing or helping others.
    It is as they say, nobody is born knowing, and in this case, when one decides to venture into Linux, it is quite an adventure.
    At least from my perspective today it is easier to get to know Linux than it was 15 years ago, because if you run into a problem there is a lot of information about it, blogs, forums, documentation, videos or even on tiktok … I know that not for everything, but compared to several years ago, it was almost a miracle that someone helped you or responded in a forum in a matter of hours or a few days, basically, the growth in terms of the Hispanic community has had a great growth and that's pretty good.

    I simply have to say that your career in the GNU/Linux field is to be applauded and more than 15 years is easy to say, but as I mentioned, it is quite an adventure!

         Linux PostInstall said

      Regards, Darkcritz. Thanks for your comment, and yes, it's great to be able to learn a little more about those we read, see or hear frequently in the Linux world. We hope that, like the LinuxTubbers, this series of articles on the "LinuxBloggler TAG" will be to the liking and benefit of many of our followers in each Blog that we participate, and us, the creators of written content.