Top New Distros 2025 – 01: Huayra, Aurora and iDeal OS
Today, January 2, 2025, as has become customary month after month, we offer you a new publication in our current series of publications called “Top New GNU/Linux Distros”, which will be The first publication (part 01) of this current year. And in it, we will address 3 more new and interesting alternatives of free and open operating systems. Which already appear in the DistroWatch waitlist for last December 2024 and these are the following: Huayra, Aurora and iDeal OS. Although, we will also take the opportunity to mention other equally interesting ones.
Let us remember that *Linux, *BSD Distros and other independent ones, addressed in this series of publications, They await their fair recognition within the DistroWatch website, to then be disseminated as modern, complete, stable and successful projects. Therefore, with this new contribution, we hope to continue promoting the knowledge (dissemination and promotion), development and use of these and other New and interesting free and open source GNU/Linux distribution projects.
New Distros 2024 – 16: Vendefoul Wolf, GXDE OS and Lingmo OS
But, before starting reading this publication about said new «Top of new GNU/Linux Distros to be recognized in 2025: Part 01 », we recommend the previous related post with this series for later reading:
VendefoulWolf is an operating system It is a free and open source operating system that has formative, educational and learning objectives on the use of GNU/Linux for beginners and novice users in the Linux field. In addition, it is a stable operating system in full development. It has some interesting and useful software developments of its own and a growing community of users, both in Spain and abroad. About VendefoulWolf
New Distros on DistroWatch for 2025: Top Part 01
Top New Distros 2025 – Part 01: Huayra, Aurora and iDeal OS
- Official Web site
- Official repository
- Latest released versions: Huayra 6.5, released on February 29, 2024.
- Base: Debian 12.
- País de origen: Argentina.
- Supported architectures: amd64 (64 Bit) and i386 (32 Bit).
- Desktops (DE/WM): Mate Desktop.
- General description: According to its developers, it is ideal for both students and teachers, as well as average home or office users. And for this, it contains open educational resources and applications that are useful both in the school environment, for which it is designed, and for use in any other context. Therefore, it has applications for the office, social network management, and others such as: multimedia players, agenda, calendar, notifications and internet browsers. Lastly, it includes guaranteed compatibility with movie or music streaming services.
Huayra GNU/Linux is a free operating system developed by EDUCAR Sociedad del Estado Argentino. Programmers, graphic and visual artists, educators, communicators, sociologists, historians, teachers of all levels and students from all over the country (Argentina) have worked on the Huayra development team. Consequently, it is the result of a federal and community construction with contributions from all sectors.
- Official Web site
- Official repository
- Latest released versions: Aurora 20241229, released on December 29, 2024.
- Base: Fedora 41.
- País de origen: Spain.
- Supported architectures: amd64 (64 Bits).
- Desktops (DE/WM): KDE Plasma.
- General description: According to its developers, Aurora is a GNU/Linux distribution that seeks to be the best desktop operating system, both for a developer's workstation and for a home or office computer. And to do so, Aurora offers a pleasant KDE desktop experience for end users looking for reliability and developers looking for a hassle-free setup. In addition, it does not require complicated or frequent maintenance. Since it is perfectly tuned and optimized for maximum efficiency and reliability, and once installed, application and operating system updates are handled in the background.
Aurora is one of several free and open source operating systems created by the Universal Blue development team, including Bazzite, Bluefin, and uCore. It represents the ISO for people who want a reliable, secure, and smooth computing experience for everyday tasks and beyond. As such, it is considered the OS for everyone, including those who are new to the Linux/BSD world. However, it is also offered in a flavor called Aurora Developer Edition, which is a special edition of Aurora with several additional packages that cater to a developer audience.
iDeal OS
- Official Web site
- Official repository
- Latest released versions: iDeal OS iD3.4, released on December 27, 2024.
- Base: MX Linux.
- País de origen: Swiss.
- Supported architectures: amd64 (64 Bits).
- Desktops (DE/WM): KDE Plasma.
- General description: According to its developers, it is a customized version of the powerful MX Linux distribution, with the best privacy and security settings enabled by default. That is why, its main goals are privacy and security, when browsing, shopping, transacting and banking online with complete peace of mind, without annoying ads, tracking, logs, errors, viruses or unwanted disclosure of personal information. Lastly, it includes, by default, the free Quad9 recursive DNS service, which is capable of protecting any computer from a wide range of threats, such as malware, phishing, spyware and botnets.
Other new distros on the DistroWatch waiting list for the month of November 2024
And for this past December 2024, it is important to note that no other releases have been known about New Distros on the DistroWatch Waitlist, nor from any other known source such as the OS.Watch website.
In short, we expect that the projects of Free and Open Distributions called Huayra, Aurora and iDeal OS, have formed a new, interesting and useful «Top new GNU/Linux distros to be recognized and known» during this period of January 2025. Furthermore, we hope that this publication will continue to contribute to the dissemination and popularization of the various projects that seek to make their way and achieve a worthy position in the Linuxverse. And it will be in future publications of this series that we will learn about many other new projects.
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