About the last published article

First of all I must tell you that I am upset and maybe later I will regret this. Very annoying, mostly because of the comments that some users put in the article about the data that the United States collects.

This is not Taringa or anything like it and many know it, and annoying, because the one who approved said article did not even read it in full to see at the beginning of the post that clearly said that it had to be reviewed. However, the WordPress logs will tell me who it was.

It is for this reason that now all users in charge of editors, or with permissions to approve pending articles will be removed from their functions until it is clear who was the intellectual author of the fact.

The comments that the article was plagiarism, that if he copied the Perseus blog and others, they could have saved it, because we don't need to do things like that in DesdeLinux, and you know it.

Obviously, the user who wrote or copied said article (perhaps with the best intentions) does not know our policies on Copy / Paste, much less about citing the original sources. On more than one occasion the subject has been discussed, and we also have a guide for collaborators where all this is clearly explained.

If anyone was offended by all this discharge, my apologies, but it seems to me that we have to take the bull by the horns and it is just what I am going to do right now. DESDELINUX IT WILL NEVER BE TARINGA, nor any other similar site.

Any doubt, suggestion, claim or what they want to comment, they do in the forum please.