DevOps versus Software Engineers: Rivals or Collaborators?

DevOps versus Software Engineers: Rivals or Collaborators?

DevOps versus Software Engineers: Rivals or Collaborators?

Periodically, we usually publish important topics for the IT Community in general, to vary a bit the pure scope of the Free Software, Open Source and GNU / Linux. For this reason, we sometimes share varied information about the scope of Science and technology, and about Informatics and Computing. Being one of those cases, when we talk about what they are and how they are, certain IT professions or positions, within the field of Information Technology and Computing.

In this regard, we have dedicated several publications to the IT professional called Sysadmin, which, as we already know, tends, almost by default, to handle a lot and mainly Linux. Also, about the «DevOps versus Software Engineers», and the IT Directors. And today, we will dedicate this post to a similar one known as the Software engineer, making the comparison between «DevOps versus Software Engineers».

DevOps versus SysAdmin: Rivals or Collaborators?

DevOps versus SysAdmin: Rivals or Collaborators?

And, before starting this interesting comparative post between «DevOps versus Software Engineers», we recommend the previous related posts, so that they can explore them at the end:

DevOps versus SysAdmin: Rivals or Collaborators?
Related article:
DevOps versus SysAdmin: Rivals or Collaborators?
Sysadmin: The Art of Being a System and Server Administrator
Related article:
Sysadmin: The Art of Being a System and Server Administrator

DevOps versus Software Engineers

DevOps versus Software Engineers

DevOps vs. Software Engineers: Are they alike or not?

About DevOps

About DevOps

In a previous post we extensively describe the IT DevOps professional, however, in summary we can describe it as a highly programmer formed capable of performing all the functions involved in the Software Development Life Cycle and more, such as, Programming, Operation, Testing, Development, Support, Servers, Database, Web and any other that is necessary.

This situation is what makes precisely a DevOps looks a lot like one mix of Developer or Software Engineer and SysAdmin. In addition, they tend to dominate a wide variety of programming languages, and possess extensive technical capabilities and management skills. For this and more, he is usually seen as a expert IT professional, both in Software and Hardware (Infrastructure/Platform), of the Organization where he works.

Finally, it usually has as specific functions or assigned activities within an organization, some such as the following:

  • Write code and perform the function of a Programmer.
  • Manage Multi-Platform Servers and perform the function of a SysAdmin.
  • Manage Networks and perform the function of NetAdmin.
  • Manage a database (BD) and perform the function of a DBA.
  • Manage and collaborate at a high organizational level, guaranteeing synergy between units or work groups, such as project leaders or area managers.

About Systems Engineers

About Systems Engineers

The System engineers (which we could call IngSW for short) can be described as IT professionals who develop and maintain computer programs. Therefore, they know and use programming languages ​​to write code, test, and debug software, thus ensuring their operation and their updates to maintain and improve their functionality.

In addition, System engineers they must be able to identify a problem or need in the market or work area, develop a project, plan its development and perform all necessary tests until it works without errors. Including, the lead teams and if necessary, the apply scientific and statistical knowledge to achieve your goals. Being all the latter, what really differentiates him from any programmer (no matter how expert he is), since they only limit themselves to programming.

Finally, it usually has as specific functions or assigned activities within an organization, some such as the following:

  • Create intelligent computer systems and software.
  • Direct software development projects and lead IT teams or work units.
  • Analyze new work techniques and development technologies, optimizing related processes.
  • Analyze computer problems and prepare solutions compatible with various operating systems.

About Both: Differences and Similarities

As can be seen, they look a lot alike and differ a little. Basically, your advanced IT professionals who tend to dominate everything related Software developmentboth technically and managerially. Nevertheless, DevOps stands out or differs from the Systems Engineer for their knowledge or skills acquired in areas not directly associated with Software, that is, Hardware. Since, you must be able to understand and manage topics such as Servers, Networks and BD Systems.

Consequently, a DevOps Engineer can easily be a Software Engineer. But a Software Engineer may not necessarily be a DevOps Engineer. Above all, because a DevOps Engineer should be able to focus on both the development and operations of a software product, while a Software Engineer should focus only on the development of the software product and any other factors that depend on it. he.

IT Director: The art of managing a Technology and Systems Unit
Related article:
IT Director: The art of managing a Technology and Systems Unit
Automation: Tools available for the work of a SysAdmin
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Automation: Tools available for the work of a SysAdmin

Roundup: Banner post 2021


In summary, we hope that this valuable comparative post between «DevOps versus Software Engineers» to know the concepts behind each one, their functions, differences and similarities, have been of interest and usefulness, to continue accumulating knowledge about the huge and demanding world of Information Technology and Computing, and all those positions (positions) that make life in it, to which we choose when we study said career at a university to graduate as a IT professional.

Finally, do not forget to contribute your opinion on today's topic, via comments. And if you liked this post, do not stop sharing it with others. Also, remember visit our home page en «DesdeLinux» to explore more news, and join our official channel of Telegram from DesdeLinux, West group for more information on today's topic.

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