Set cursor theme in Xfce

Those of us who are users of Xfce we know that to change the cursor theme, we just have to go to Menu »Settings» Mouse »Theme. 

But at least in my case this is not entirely effective, because in certain and certain applications, it does not show the theme selected correctly. How do we then make the cursor theme the same for the whole system?

Very simple, what we do is create in our / Home the file .xdefaults and we put the following line in it:


Where Bluecurve-inverse-FC4 is the name of the folder where the cursor theme is located.

That is, if we suppose we have a cursor theme called adwaita, which is in ~ / .icons / Adwaita o / usr / share / icons / Adwaita, then the line would look like this:


We restart the session and voila!

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      oleksis said

    Good tips, the same thing happened to me when I customized Xfce: D. I couldn't find the shape that would be the same cursor for the whole system. I hope it is useful to me. Cheers!

      Blazek said

    Thanks for the advice…

      @Jlcmux said

    I've already done this several times and it doesn't work. It goes from the Default theme to the Theme that I have changed.

    I had already done it in Xubuntu and it worked but in the Debian that I am now it does not want to work. Taking into account that it is the same version of the XFCE. (4.8) It's weird 🙁

    Any data for this?

      aldobelus said

    Hi. I have done what you say and at the moment there is no problem. Thank you. But I have a question that I would like you to know how to solve, while I think it would round out the valuable information you have given us. Is there a way to reduce the size of the cursor? I have one that I really like but I can't make it smaller. In the window where it is regulated it does not go below 16 (pixels, I suppose) and for me it is huge. I have to say in XFCE discharge that I use a netbook. Maybe that's why it seems so great to me! I await your comment. Thanks elav!

      aldobelus said

    Although it seems that this article has been abandoned, I will ask for help again, in case some charitable soul takes pity on those of us who continue to suffer from this behavior. This trick does not work, I have installed several Xfce since then and the problem persists. If anyone has managed to keep the cursor stable in all applications, please tell them how.
    Greetings and thanks.

      Julian said

    Good, I did what you said but nothing, the cursor in normal state is the default, it only changes to another cursor in other states. What can be done? I have debian testing.