Arch Linux + KDE installation log: Step-by-step installation

En my previous article I told you a little about the changes that Arch Linux has with respect to what I am used to doing in Debian, which we will see below because what we have to do is show them how to install Arch without dying in the attempt.

I think it is very good to clarify that if I have come this far it has been because the excellent guide which Gregory Swords He has written on his blog and from which I take much of his content for this article. All credit goes to him.

Tips prior to installation

To install Arch, the 1st thing I advise is to test in a virtual machine, in this way once we are sure of what we are going to do, we can proceed to execute the steps learned on our computer.

The 2nd thing I would recommend is to save all our files in case something happens, and if possible, do an installation with an empty hard drive. Just in case.

And finally my 3rd tip when installing Arch is to have another computer with Internet access in case a problem arises or, failing that, print the installation guide which we can find on the Arch Linux Wiki.

Arch Linux installation step by step

Well, I guess we already have an updated image of the iso of Arch Linux. Like GEspadas, I recommend using those corresponding to the dates: 2013.07.01, 2013.01.04, 2012.12.01, 2012.11.01, 2012.10.06, 2012.09.07, 2012.08.04, or higher, as they use the same installation method which we will describe below.

You can download the latest compilation of the iso image from this link:

Download Arch Linux ISO

The first thing is to transfer our image to a USB memory, or burn it on a CD-ROM «–Really, in the 21st century? ¬_¬

Once we have put the memory in the USB port, we proceed to know what its name is, for this we can use the command:

dmesg |tail

Which will return something like this:

[14403.197153] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] Write Protect is off [14403.197157] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] Mode Sense: 23 00 00 00 [14403.197299] sd 7: 0: 0 : 0: [sdc] No Caching mode page present [14403.197303] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through [14403.198325] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] No Caching mode page present [14403.198329] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through [14403.198726] sdc: [14403.199372] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] No Caching mode page present [14403.199376 ] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through [14403.199379] sd 7: 0: 0: 0: [sdc] Attached SCSI removable disk

As you can see, in this case my memory is sdc. Knowing this, we can proceed to pass the .iso image to memory, which must be unmounted:

$ dd if=archlinux-2013.07.01-dual.iso of=/dev/sdc

This takes a while, but when it is finished we restart our computer and make sure it boots from the USB device.

Once the PC boots we will find this screen, and in my case, I select the first option (64 bits).


1. Configuring the keyboard.

When we load the prompt we will see something like this:


The first thing we must do is select the keyboard layout we are using. In my case:

# loadkeys us

Yes, I speak Spanish but my keyboard is in English .. so I use us, but if your keyboard is in Spanish, then it would be:

# loadkeys es

We can see all the available layouts for the keyboard with the following command:

# ls /usr/share/kbd/keymaps/i386/qwerty

2. Partitioning the disk

Now comes the most critical part of the installation. To partition the disk we use a tool a bit complex to handle, called cfdisk. So we type:

# cfdisk

And something like this appears if we have the hard drive without partitioning:


With cfdisk what we will do is configure our partition table. In general, the normal thing in Arch Linux is to configure 4 partitions, as GEspadas explains:

  • The first, / Boot, is where the essential files to boot ArchLinux will be stored (such as the kernel, ramdisk images, the bootloader, etc). A size of 100 MiB is recommended (no need to give it more space).
  • The second is partition / (root), where the operating system and applications will be installed (among many other things). Its size depends on how you want to use ArchLinux. About 10 GiB should be more than enough for a traditional system; If you think that you will install many applications (games, among them), it is better to think about 20 or 30 GiB.
  • The third is partition / Home, where our personal settings, application settings (and your profiles in them), and traditionally our data (documents, photos, videos, etc.) will be stored, so it is recommended to allocate a considerable hard disk space.
  • Finally, choose the size of the partition swap, place where information from the RAM memory is temporarily stored (when it is full) on the hard disk. What size to choose for the swap?

Now, if we have an unpartitioned disk, we have to create the partitions by placing ourselves on the free space (Free Space). What we do is give Enter about  New and it doesn't get something like this:


We give enter and we have to put the size we want to use. In this case, the first partition as explained above is / boot and it doesn't need more than 100 MB of space, so we can put something like this:


And finally, once this partition has been created, we have to set it as Bootable.

For the rest of the partitions the process is the same, except when we get to the partition for the Swap, because once created, we go over it and give Enter on Type and we get something like this:


And we have to make sure that we have option 82 selected.

3. Formatting the created partitions

Now we have to format the partitions that we configure with cfdisk. I do not think it is necessary to say again that this should be done under your full and complete responsibility.

For this we use mkfs in the following way:

# mkfs -t ext2 /dev/sda1

This partition is formatted in Ext2 that does not have Journaling and therefore the boot is much faster, among other things.

Now we format the partitions corresponding to / and / home, both in ext4. I am assuming that we have left the Swap partition as sda4.

# mkfs -t ext4 / dev / sda2 # mkfs -t ext4 / dev / sda3

Now we go on to format the Swap with the mkswap command and then activate it with swapon:

# mkswap / dev / sda4 # swapon / dev / sda4

4. Mounting the hard drive partitions

We are going to mount the partitions that we have created and formatted in / mnt. We start with the partition for / and we must bear in mind that it is not sda1, but sda2. Be careful with that.

# mount /dev/sda2 /mnt

Once this partition is mounted, we have to create the / boot and / home directories in it.

# mkdir / mnt / boot # mkdir / mnt / home

And we proceed to mount the corresponding partitions:

# mount / dev / sda1 / mnt / boot # mount / dev / sda3 / mnt / home

5. Are we connected to the Internet?

Before proceeding to the next step we have to make sure that we have an Internet connection.
I honestly don't understand. Why can't the system's "base" packages be installed from the CD-ROM itself as in previous versions? If anyone knows, let me know.

Well, we ping any IP or address that we know will return a response, for example:

# ping

And if everything works fine, we move on to the next step. If it doesn't (something weird unless you use iso 2012.07.15), first we have to know what the name of our card is, so we execute:

# ip link

Which will return something like this:

1: what: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN mode DEFAULT link / loopback 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00 brd 00: 00: 00: 00: 00: 00 2: enp5s0: mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast state DOWN mode DEFAULT qlen 1000 link / ether 18: 03: 73: a3: f3: e1 brd ff: ff: ff: ff: ff: ff 3: wlp9s0: mtu 1500 qdisc noop state DOWN mode DEFAULT qlen 1000 link / ether 4c: 80: 93: 19: da: 02 brd ff: ff: ff: ff: ff: ff

In my case, the card I'm going to use is the wired one, which is enp5s0. We activate the network with the following command:

# ip link set enp5s0 up

and it is assigned a dynamic IP via DHCP:

# dhclient enp5s0

In the case that you are going to connect via WiFi, please read this link.

6. Installing the Base System

Well, we have Internet and now what we have to do is run:

# pacstrap /mnt base base-devel

pacstrap is the new Arch Linux install script. When we run it, it will start downloading and installing the necessary packages for Arch to work.

And let's take another pause over here. If like me, they have the repositories on a local server, we have to edit the file /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist and add the path of our repo. For example, in my case I only added in front of the mirrors that are configured:

Server =$repo/os/$arch

And ready.

If we have a wired connection, we install:

# pacstrap /mnt ifplugd

If our connection is wifi:

# pacstrap /mnt wireless_tools wpa_supplicant wpa_actiond dialog

Finally we install sudo

# pacstrap /mnt sudo

7. Installing GRUB

Now we proceed to install the Boot Manager, in this case Grub2. For this we execute:

# pacstrap /mnt grub-bios

It is valid to clarify that as the name indicates, this package is intended for those of us who use BIOS. If what you have is UEFI, please read the official documentation about it and if you are interested in using syslinuxBecause GSpades leaves us an excellent guide for it.

8. Generating the fstab file

Now we are going to tell fstab how we have our partitions established .. for this we execute:

# genfstab -p /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

9. Setting up the rest of the system

To configure the rest of the system things, we must do it through a chroot. For this we put:

# arch-chroot /mnt

The next step is to establish what will be the name of our computer. Mine is called Vostro so I just run:

# echo vostro >> /etc/hostname

Now, we create a symbolic link from / etc / localtime to / usr / share / zoneinfo // (replaces and based on your geographic location). For example, for Cuba:

# ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Havana /etc/localtime

Later we must configure the file that corresponds to the premises, located in /etc/locale.gen.

We open it with a text editor (nano in this case) and uncomment the locales to use. In my case I uncommented es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8, but I could have uncommented es_CU.UTF-8 UTF-8. It looked like this:

#es_EC ISO-8859-1 en_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8 #es_ES ISO-8859-1

Then we execute:

# echo LANG="es_ES.UTF-8" >> /etc/locale.conf

And finally, for all this to take effect (and I say this from my own experience), you must execute the command:

# locale-gen

To generate our location as is obvious.

Now we have to set the default keyboard layout. What we did in the first step was just set it for the current session.

# echo KEYMAP=us >> /etc/vconsole.conf

What are we left with? Very little. In a step above we installed GRUB but did not configure it. And that's what we will do now:

# grub-install /dev/sda

And we create the grub.cfg file with the following command:

# grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

Our friend GEspadas, after repeating the installation process several times, noticed an annoying bug in GRUB (not an ArchLinux bug), which shows for a fraction of a second an error message when starting the system:

Welcome to Grub! error: file '/boot/grub/locale/' not found
Just a few days ago a new build of the Arch Linux image came out, this may have already been fixed

Anyway, the solution that GEspadas proposes is to execute:

# cp /boot/grub/locale/ /boot/grub/locale/

Now we proceed to create the initial RAM disk:

# mkinitcpio -p linux

And we are almost done ... we only have to do something very important: Change, or rather, set the password for root. So we run:

# passwd

Exiting the chroot, we unmount the partitions and reboot:

# exit # umount / mnt / {boot, home,} # reboot

10. Creating our user

To add my user, I used the following command:

# useradd -m -G audio,lp,optical,storage,video,wheel,games,power,scanner -s /bin/bash elav

The groups are as follows:

audio - Tasks involving the sound card and related applications.
lp - Printer management.
optical - Handling of optical devices (CD, DVD, etc).
storage - Handling of various storage devices.
video lesson - Tasks involving the video card and hardware acceleration.
wheel - Very important! So that the user can use sudo.
games - Needed for write permissions for games.
- Necessary to be able to shutdown and restart the system.
scanner - Administration and use of digitizers (scanners).

We access the / etc / sudoers file and uncomment the line:

# %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALL

11. Activating Network-Manager

I don't know about you but I use NetworkManager to manage my network connections and interfaces.

First, we stop the network daemon:

# systemctl stop net-auto-wireless.service

Next, we deactivate the network daemons that are running.

# systemctl disable net-auto-wireless.service

Lastly, we stop our network cards. If we don't know what they are, we just have to type:

# ip link

In my case it would be:

# ip link set enp5s0 down # ip link set wlp9s0 down

We activate NetworkManager so that it starts at startup with the following command:

# systemctl enable NetworkManager

You can start the NetworkManager daemon immediately with the following command:

# systemctl start NetworkManager

In my case that I use KDE, I only have to install the kdeplasma-applets-networkmanagement package once I have installed my Desktop Environment, but we will see this in the next article.

  1. Activate the network without NetworkManager

If we connect by DHCP and we don't need to manage the network manually, we just have to execute:

# systemctl enable dhcpcd@enp5s0.service # systemctl start dhcpcd@enp5s0.service

Sure, they have to replace enp5s0 with the name of your network interface.

And that's it .. We already have Arch Linux installed, configured and running. In the next article we will see how to install KDE without dying in the attempt 😛

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  1.   TooManySecrets said

    Just say thank you, thank you very much for the article. Although it is almost the same as what is posted in English on the web, everything you comment in a personal way is priceless, and what to say about the translation.
    Have a nice day 😉

    1.    elav said

      You're welcome .. thanks to you for the comment, although much of what you see has already been explained (and has been taken) from the GEspadas guide.

      1.    Filiberto Munguia said

        Hello ,,, many congratulations on your publication, it is very well structured and very clean in design, something that many forget and is very important for us end users ,, I want to share that I try to install ArchLinux with LVM I was looking for documentation besides that I continued the wiki manual but all failed to boot and I got the horrible message: "It is not possible to find the partition / dev / mapper / lvarch0-lvraiz" and I got tired of trying several alternatives, my machine is not advanced at all, it is an HP With petium 4 HT and a 160 GB SATA disk, do all the configuration in the mkinitpio with everything that the wiki said, well seeing that it was a resounding failure, I preferred to install Debian 7 and I was surprised how I detected the LVM partitioning that already It existed on the disk (resulting from attempts to install ArchLinux) and now I'm comfortable because I even installed the Gnome with its Gnome Shell; now I am taking the part of Networkmanager to finish with the basic installation of my Debian since it seems very concrete and clear to me ,,, please in any free time you have can you help us with some document just as mop but that talks about a method infallible archlinux installation with LVM and SATA disks ,,,, I also came across the Gespadas manual but it only talks about a properly inspired manual on installation of hard partitions, in advance thank you very much for your time invested in all of us ,,, 🙂

  2.   Left Handed said

    I would also take the opportunity to ask why they removed the installer that Arch had

    1.    Elif said

      For freedom I believe, since in the old one a series of steps were followed ... correct me if I am wrong.

    2.    eliotime3000 said

      Due to lack of maintenance, from what I heard. Anyway, I would have liked Arch to have an installer like the one OpenBSD has.

  3.   Elif said

    The article is excellent, I hope one day to encourage me and put this article into practice.

  4.   ferchmetal said

    Thank you very much for the tutorial, Arch Linux is a distro in which I still have a debt to install, I was able to install FreeBSD and OpenBSD, and also Slackware 😀 Thank you!

    1.    ferchmetal said

      sorry, pending is, ah! and gentoo I also have a debt with this distro, the other day I downloaded calculate linux and I liked it a lot.

    2.    eliotime3000 said

      I tried Slackware following the DMoZ guide that I had published in these parts, and the truth is that I was impressed by how easy it is to install.

      Slackware has the coolest console I've tried so far.

  5.   Leper_Ivan said

    Well, elav colleague .. Very good guide similar to Gregorio ..

    I really feel very comfortable installing ArchLinux, I just love it.

    Greetings ..

  6.   Miguel said

    Good article!!
    The grub message has been around for quite some time, to fix it:

    mkdir -p / boot / grub / locale
    cp /usr/share/locale/en\@quot/LC_MESSAGES/ /boot/grub/locale/
    export LANG = es_ES.UTF-8
    mkinitcpio -p linux

    In the arch wiki it was somewhere, in issue 1 of HDMagazine you can also see the solution to that message.

    1.    Miguel said

      The mkinitcpio -p is not necessary, I lost the clamp with the copy / paste XDD

    2.    ever said

      More than a solution, it looks like a patch to trick Grub into stopping throwing that bug.

      The export LANG = es_ES.UTF-8 thing doesn't make much sense either. You simply change the value of the LANG console variable to that value in that session. It has nothing to do with grub.

  7.   Gregory Swords said

    @Elav: Thanks for considering my humble tutorial! Good to know that it is still valid. I hope to get your update soon. A hug brother!

    1.    elav said

      You're welcome, thanks to you because if your guide would have been more difficult for me to have installed Arch.

    2.    snack said

      Great tutorials of yours: P. With one of yours update to systemd

  8.   Antonio Galloso said

    Excellent article, I'm going to print it to have it on hand.

  9.   Leo said

    With so many archers around (not a derogatory comment, I love Arch) it's amazing that there is still no graphical installer.

    1.    cat said

      Install Antergos, if it is not with Gnome it is practically like installing Arch with graphical installer and Yaourt included

  10.   ridri said

    Perhaps it is obvious but we can make the partitions with a live-cd of any distribution in graphic mode and save ourselves the suffering of cfdisk.
    In the last installation isos, in case of having wired internet, it is no longer necessary to raise the network with any command to install the system. And we must not forget that the best installation tutorial is the guide for beginners on the official website.

    1.    eliotime3000 said

      In my opinion, the CFDisk is quite simple and the graphic versions take their time to load their interface.

    2.    cookie said

      With cfdisk it is much faster and easier. It is just giving the size of the partitions and the type of file system.

      1.    eliotime3000 said

        Even in Slackware, the CFDisk is the same as Arch's. The rest of the formatting is handled by Slackware's KISS wizard.

  11.   edo said

    Your contribution is appreciated, I currently use Manjaro and I am very happy with the distro, but several times it has crossed my mind to try the mother distro, to enjoy bleeding edge in its maximum expression 🙂
    Although previously I have already tried to install it virtually, and when I finished executing the tutorial to the letter nothing appeared to me, which suggests that to install it it takes a lot of time and desire to do so.

  12.   eliotime3000 said

    Good tuto. What's more, you encouraged me to do a brief Slackware tutorial without dying in the attempt (reaching the level of leaving Slackware with KDE in Spanish, of course).

    Anyway, I'll keep an eye on Arch if they've fixed Iceweasel's Spanish language pack.

  13.   majority said

    I was looking for some information like this to see if I try this distro of which many praise, but if it looks tiresome and is like archaic, I wonder is not wasting time is time I would use it to customize my desktop to my liking.

  14.   cat said

    The best thing that Arch has is Yaourt (he gives PPAs for the ****), when I was looking at everything available they have I put this face:

    1.    davidlg said

      I think you mean AUR, since yaourt is an AurHelper, and that's true. AUR (Arch User Repository) is the best there is.
      There are many of them, I currently use packer, which seems to me to be at the same level as yaourt, I am looking for what programming language they are written in but I cannot find it

      1.    cat said

        THAT THAT THAT 😀

  15.   b1tblu3 said

    I've been in Arch Linux for almost two years, I started seriously in the GNU / Linux world, through the big door and I'm not sorry. That Arch Linux is not stable every time I believe it less, it is true that sometimes there are strong changes, but nothing that is not resolved in the Arch wiki, in the forums, or by part of the official announcements ... and if You don't want to be angry, you just don't update that part of the change, and leave it for when it's absolutely necessary ... once Arch is configured, you forget everything.

    I'm so comfortable with Arch that I'm not tempted to switch from Distro. I feel like anything you can get from any other Distro you can custom build at Arch.
    Note: I am not an expert user.

  16.   George said

    Practically all steps are identical to a gentoo (the difference is in points 6 and 11), I am not surprised that the installer has been removed, because some precision is needed with the configuration files of both distros.

  17.   st0rmt4il said


    Let's give Arch a chance to see how it goes.

  18.   Qwezzy said

    very good, but how could you make a tutorial of the local repositories

  19.   static said

    Excellent tuto, I had not been encouraged to try it, I just did it in Virtual Box and I think that in a short time I will be installing it as the base system of my Alienware M11x, some extra recommendation for my Wireles card

    Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a / b / g / n (rev 01)


  20.   jony127 said


    I was impressed when I read the article on how the installation in Arch has changed, before it seemed much simpler than now, you didn't even have to raise the network interface "at least that I remember." In the installation, a series of steps were followed to install the base system and then the typical thing to do is to put the kde, the sound and others ... .. as in a debian netinstall.

    Now it is still more manual perhaps more than the account, I know for the times it seems to me a delay to have to carry out an installation that way.

    Support for systems that simplify our lives and not vice versa.

  21.   guardian said

    Hello, how are you? Your article is very good, I am new to arch, and I would like you to tell me, because after setting the password for root, I exit the chroot, I unmount the partitions and restart the system, but after restarting it asks me for a user and a pass that obviously, does not create according to the steps of the tutorial, since it is in step 10 where I am instructed to perform this action, did I do something wrong? Should this not happen? When restarting after installing, should the prompt appear as at the beginning of the installation? or how do I do to perform this action. Since, as I indicate, I cannot access the system by asking me for a username and a pass. first of all, Thanks.

    1.    Holic said

      Password: the one you put above.

  22.   linuxmanr4 said

    Uyyy thanks to GEspadas 🙂 who takes the time to write these articles, thanks to him I met Manjaro 🙂

  23.   Holic said

    How do I put the password to the created user? I don't know how to access it.

    1.    omar3sau said

      passwd user

      obvious changing "user" by account name

  24.   Andrélo said

    Everything was fine until I read, you need a network connection to install WTF !! … I will finish installing Archbang on my notebook, finally… I have a 10 GB disk, is it necessary to create all the partitions?

  25.   Alex said

    Very good guide !! One question, why do you use ifplugd instead of systemctl enable dhcpcd@yourcard.service? Any specific reason?

  26.   Percaff_TI99 said

    Hi @elav, I have installed Arch Linux many times with the old installation system (without systemd), and although the new method is much more practical and attractive for me, I had decided to wait for the period of turbulence to pass (migration to the new installer ) to which this phenomenal Distro was subjected, now seems to be a good time to install it, but first a couple of questions.

    How stable is it?

    When installing a package, in some cases, pacman suggests editing certain configuration files (at least in the previous installer), but many times, being a long installation, I lose the reading, since I'm in a tty and I can't return to reread.

    What are the .log files of the pacman installations, if any?

    Luckily there are several experienced Arch and derivative users here, so it will be easier for me to maintain this Distro in case of xD difficulties.

    Excellent contribution @elav.


  27.   Alex said

    What is a real mess is installing Arch with UEFI. For when a guide? 😀

    1.    chinoloco said

      If you find one let me know.

  28.   eliotime3000 said

    A query, @elav:

    When I run the command:
    # pacstrap /mnt ifplugd

    Does it definitively establish the connection of the repos or the network itself?

  29.   eliotime3000 said

    Excuse me elav, but your tutorial to install Arch Linux worked wonders for me, and I no longer have any complaints about Arch. I am now a debian + slacker + archer.

    1.    st0rmt4il said

      LOL XD! - Both physically or virtualize them to be "On" in all those systems?

      I usually just use a base "stable" distro and then everything virtualized: D! - How do you do it?

  30.   leonardopc1991 said

    I just have a question, the other day I downloaded some series and when I wanted to pass it to my external it told me access denied, then it showed me an error that said that it could not mount in the RUN folder ………. But if he copied or cut to a pendrive if it happened, has someone else happened to him?

  31.   Pau (FR) said

    Hello, it is: echo LANG = »en_ES.UTF-8 ″ >> /etc/locale.conf

    I say it because otherwise it gives me an error when logging in

    1.    elav said

      That's right .. thanks for the tip.